My group hit 92+320AA's a little while back. I only subscribe on one account. I am trying to decide if I should move forward with ToV or not. I am not willing to purchase the expansion for more than three accounts at the current price. My dilemma then is do I bother with the expansion at all since I am not even sure how far I can get with 3toons+3mercs [maybe 4toons+2mercs]? My limited understanding of mercs is they are not very good at L95, especially in ToV. Anyone have any opinions on how "mutliboxable" the heroic dungeons in ToV are? Even without mercs it sounds challenging given all the boss scripts requiring movement during combat. On top of that, I have no real interest in doing any of the advanced solo dungeons to get gear. I know the AS zones provide upgrades to the Overland quest armor via gem slots, but how needed are these to progress to heroic dungeons? I would probably be OK working on a few pieces, but I don't think I would want to do much more than that. I was hoping to just ride it out until Wildstar was released, but after I tried beta I am not sure that Wildstar is the game for me.
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