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Thread: WildStar Macros

  1. #1

    Default WildStar Macros

    Macros in WildStar use text commands to carry out actions. Each separate command is expected to be on a different line, and the commands are run consecutively in order, from the top line to the bottom line
    I read this on the "official" WildStar wiki. I wonder if the final statement is true. That would be *way* different from WoW.
    Last edited by Khatovar : 05-09-2014 at 06:16 AM Reason: font

  2. #2


    How is that different from wow? Macros in WoW are made with slash commands, each go on their own line in the macro, and are executed from the top line to the bottom line. Except where the macro stops early, e.g. because of /stopmacro.
    Author of ISBoxer
    Video: ISBoxer Quick Start

  3. #3


    In WoW all lines are executed at the same time. Otherwise you wouldn't need castsequence, you'd just put the commands on sequential lines.

  4. #4


    In WoW all lines are executed at the same time. Otherwise you wouldn't need castsequence, you'd just put the commands on sequential lines.
    I think you're just misunderstanding here. What you're calling "at the same time" is a literal sequence from top to bottom, executing consecutively one after the other. You wouldn't need /castsequence if your macro only executed one line per activation of the macro (it doesn't, it goes top to bottom through the whole thing unless stopped early). No game has a macro system that splits them up like that.
    Author of ISBoxer
    Video: ISBoxer Quick Start

  5. #5
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    WoW macros definitely execute from top to bottom, left to right. The first true statement that the the client reaches is what's fired off. If that first true statement directs to a spell that's on cooldown, then the macro tries to use that spell and the macro essentially fails.

    I think RIFT allows you to just list a bunch of spells or abilities, and whatever is on cooldown will be skipped, but there isn't enough information from the quoted text in the first post of this thread to know whether the client will jump over spells that are on cooldown (like RIFT), or if the macro will stop when it reaches a spell on cooldown (like WoW).

  6. #6


    That's also how EQ2 macros work, though you can use spell queueing to get it to run the bottommost spell on the list in addition to the top down.
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