-Easy to use and to setup. -> definitely
-Instant PiP swap and accurate mouse broadcasting -> I think a 1s PiP swap delay is acceptable for WoW (i.e. the hotkeynet one), but accurate mousebroadcasting is imo far more important
-Keymap / Hotkey configuration -> iirc the keyclone way could be enough for most people
-Possibly network support -> not sure how many people would need this
-Macro support -> I have no idea how many use a build in macro system vs the ingame ones
I don't think sitting entire days on forums and on irc is a real requirement for a product to be successful. If a new open source tool becomes widely used, the community itself will offer more than enough support (e.g. hotkeynet). Besides, isboxer is incredibly powerful and the only thing it can't do is doing your dishes. My guess is that most multiboxers only use a fraction of the isboxer features, and in order for an open source tool to be successful I believe that covering the most used features would be enough. Point being, with less features (complexity) there is less need for support, and none will expect the same levels of support for a free tool that isboxer gives.
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