Hi guys,
First of all, want to say you all have a great site here. This will be my first time dual-boxing; I learned a ton already just by lurking.
I'm having trouble deciding on classes to dual-box however. I wasn't in the beta so i have no experience w/ this game beyond the 15 mins i played yesterday.
I was thinking Sith Sorcerers, up the lightning tree might work. Or trooper, maybe BH?
As a newbie I'm tentative about running 2 different classes at the same time. I have a feeling I would just wipe repetitively from being a klutz. Is it something that can be handled, or does one need practice before attempting it?
I was reading the melee thread, it seems like that is only for PvE. I'd like a class that could work for both PvP & PvE if possible. PvE is my fav if i have to choose one, but i enjoy PvP sometimes too.
Note: I will probably be buying InnerSpace to use ISBoxer, unless there's something better to use for TOR.
Hopefully it will work. Here are my computer's specs.
AMD Phenom 2 X4 955 @ 3.8GHz
4GB DDR3 1333
Win 7 Pro 32 bit (cant get 64 & buy more ram; disc is 32 bit only & i cant see buying Win again w/ Win 8 so close)
1TB Western Dig Black HDD
nV GTX 460 768MB
X-Fi Titanium sound card
one 27" 1080p monitor & one 19" 1280x1024 monitor (currently not hooked up, but works)
Microsoft Elite ergonomic keyboard & Logitech G9 mouse
Thanks in advance for the tips, tricks & info!
*in my best terminator voice* "I'll be back"
edit: Do you think my current computer could dual box ok?
Would there be a problem because the monitors are different sizes?
I was hoping to run the 1280x1024 one all low settings, windowed at 800x600 and the 1920x1080 one full screen at medium settings (no shadows, bloom or DoF) 1920x1080 w/ all grass & trees turned to 0.
I did both tests for 10-15 mins; mixing story, loading new areas, taking speeders, & combat on Hutta.
Here are screenshots of Perfmon results for
1920x1080 High settings Fullscreen (avg 40 FPS)
800x600 Low everything, no sound Windowed (avg 85 FPS)
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