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  1. #1

    Question What are the best classes to dual-box for a newbie?

    Hi guys,

    First of all, want to say you all have a great site here. This will be my first time dual-boxing; I learned a ton already just by lurking.

    I'm having trouble deciding on classes to dual-box however. I wasn't in the beta so i have no experience w/ this game beyond the 15 mins i played yesterday.

    I was thinking Sith Sorcerers, up the lightning tree might work. Or trooper, maybe BH?

    As a newbie I'm tentative about running 2 different classes at the same time. I have a feeling I would just wipe repetitively from being a klutz. Is it something that can be handled, or does one need practice before attempting it?

    I was reading the melee thread, it seems like that is only for PvE. I'd like a class that could work for both PvP & PvE if possible. PvE is my fav if i have to choose one, but i enjoy PvP sometimes too.

    Note: I will probably be buying InnerSpace to use ISBoxer, unless there's something better to use for TOR.

    Hopefully it will work. Here are my computer's specs.

    AMD Phenom 2 X4 955 @ 3.8GHz
    4GB DDR3 1333
    Win 7 Pro 32 bit (cant get 64 & buy more ram; disc is 32 bit only & i cant see buying Win again w/ Win 8 so close)
    1TB Western Dig Black HDD
    nV GTX 460 768MB
    X-Fi Titanium sound card
    one 27" 1080p monitor & one 19" 1280x1024 monitor (currently not hooked up, but works)
    Microsoft Elite ergonomic keyboard & Logitech G9 mouse

    Thanks in advance for the tips, tricks & info!

    *in my best terminator voice* "I'll be back"

    edit: Do you think my current computer could dual box ok?

    Would there be a problem because the monitors are different sizes?

    I was hoping to run the 1280x1024 one all low settings, windowed at 800x600 and the 1920x1080 one full screen at medium settings (no shadows, bloom or DoF) 1920x1080 w/ all grass & trees turned to 0.
    I did both tests for 10-15 mins; mixing story, loading new areas, taking speeders, & combat on Hutta.

    Here are screenshots of Perfmon results for

    1920x1080 High settings Fullscreen (avg 40 FPS)



    800x600 Low everything, no sound Windowed (avg 85 FPS)


    Last edited by DoubleBladed : 12-17-2011 at 03:20 AM

  2. #2


    I would say Sorceror or Sage. They are an extremely simple class to play, and they are also very strong.

  3. #3


    Bounty Hunters are also very easy to do

  4. #4


    Sorcs/Sages and Commando/Mercs. They are the easiest to dualbox as a newbie, since they have long range, they autorotate on attacking and they can both offheal their tanking companions. Note that Sages/Sorcs get a tank companion as their first one, but the other 2 have to wait abit.

  5. #5


    I'm playing 2X BH right now and loving it. Between my healing companions and my own heals nothing I run into while questing can stop me, and the auto-rotating while shooting makes fighting a breeze.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by webstravaganza View Post
    I'm playing 2X BH right now and loving it. Between my healing companions and my own heals nothing I run into while questing can stop me, and the auto-rotating while shooting makes fighting a breeze.
    What's auto rotating? Is that an ISBoxer thing or a TOR thing or a BH thing?

    I tried using follow on other people in my team the other night and there was a problem where i would stop, run really fast in place then just teleport to right next to them. After that follow was off and I'd just be standing still as they ran off again.

    I don't know if it was a bug because they had sprint before me, or if there's something wrong with follow.

    I'm guessing based on your experiences, follow has been working right for you?
    Last edited by DoubleBladed : 12-17-2011 at 12:39 AM

  7. #7


    Could my current computer could dual box ok? (specs in first post)

    Would there be a problem because the monitors are different sizes?

    I was hoping to run the 1280x1024 one all low settings, windowed at 800x600 and the 1920x1080 one full screen at medium settings (no shadows, bloom or DoF) 1920x1080 w/ all grass & trees turned to 0.

    Right now i get about 40 FPS average 1920x1080 everything on high w/ no bloom or vsync.
    I plan on running perfmon to see the CPU usage. I'll add it to this post when i get done.
    Last edited by DoubleBladed : 12-17-2011 at 12:37 AM

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by DoubleBladed View Post
    What's auto rotating? Is that an ISBoxer thing or a TOR thing or a BH thing?

    I tried using follow on other people in my team the other night and there was a problem where i would stop, run really fast in place then just teleport to right next to them. After that follow was off and I'd just be standing still as they ran off again.

    I don't know if it was a bug because they had sprint before me, or if there's something wrong with follow.

    I'm guessing based on your experiences, follow has been working right for you?
    Follow is broken for everyone, unfortunately. Apparently there's a fix coming. This forum contains a thread detailing the issue and some workarounds.

    "auto-rotating" simply means you don't have to aim a ranged character at an enemy, they just turn and shoot. it's a swtor mechanic.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by webstravaganza View Post
    Follow is broken for everyone, unfortunately. Apparently there's a fix coming. This forum contains a thread detailing the issue and some workarounds.

    "auto-rotating" simply means you don't have to aim a ranged character at an enemy, they just turn and shoot. it's a swtor mechanic.
    so targeting through another person works currently? i couldn't get it to work when i tried.

  10. #10


    Welcome to our humble yet great community!

    Generally, and I am speaking generally here, ranged classes are usually easier for new boxers.

    Having one of your characters as a healer seems almost necessary if you're dual boxing SWTOR. But I am far from an expert either on the classes. Just going by what I've experienced and heard from others.
    Jinkobi on Shadowsong-US.

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