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  1. #31
    Member Alge's Avatar
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    Um, pitbull for unit frames, bartender for bars, carbonite for minimaps and quests, some LibDataBroker stuff along the top, Docs Nameplates, Jamba, Skinner are the main ones. No one ever accused my UI of being pretty.

    If its not to much hassle, could you provide your addons and a tiny explanation of that the boxes do.
    To which boxes do you refer?

  2. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Alge View Post
    To which boxes do you refer?
    Thanks for the reply. The ones in the middle that are arranged under your toon names. im guessing this is a click bar setup for click healing. is that correct or is that done using an addon like grid?


  3. #33
    Member Alge's Avatar
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    Those are Pitbull unit frames with a Click Bar overlaid for click healing, yes.

    You'll find more details of my Click Healing setup here.

  4. #34


    Thanks Alge...
    I have used this guide to setup my 3 monitor setup:
    Using the central window fullscreen with layered game clients and a DXnothing window for each of my 2 other screens...
    However: I have 5 box and have setup the following:
    Monitor 1
    2 Game Clients videofx (IS4/5)
    Monitor 2
    Main Windows - Client 1
    Monitor 3
    2 Game Clients VideoFX (IS 2/3)
    However I now have it set so that when I switch characters it moves my windows, so if I switch to client 5 I get the following:
    Monitor 1
    2 Game Clients videofx (IS3/4)
    Monitor 2
    Main Windows Client 5
    Monitor 3
    2 Game Clients VideoFX (IS 1/2)
    However I also use a 4 boxing setup to level my non-main account to level 10 or so before I start boosting. As such I have created a Virtual VideoFX Keymap which is assigned within each character set to the relevant VideoFX window layout...
    This probably will become more advanced as I build up my teams...
    I can do a guide for this if anyone would find it useful....!

  5. #35


    I can't find the "Video Feed" portion of the ISBoxer Toolkit in build #41. I assume that it has changed since you wrote this guide, Alge. Is it simply a matter of choosing "Stacked full screen on \\.\DISPLAY1 (No Swapping,Avoid Taskbar)" from the Window Layout Wizard now? Or do I completely remove the window layout using the wizard?

  6. #36
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rfarris View Post
    I can't find the "Video Feed" portion of the ISBoxer Toolkit in build #41. I assume that it has changed since you wrote this guide, Alge.
    Video Feeds became VideoFX soon after their release.

    Quote Originally Posted by rfarris View Post
    Is it simply a matter of choosing "Stacked full screen on \\.\DISPLAY1 (No Swapping,Avoid Taskbar)" from the Window Layout Wizard now? Or do I completely remove the window layout using the wizard?
    Using a Window Layout will give you more control over your game windows.

  7. #37


    I've sort of got it working. I ended up with a few extra video sources. How do I delete them (in game?) Also, is there a video or text guide explaining when I would want to save a "Video FX Set?" It seems that my feeds aren't being saved, is this how I save them?

  8. #38
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rfarris View Post
    I've sort of got it working. I ended up with a few extra video sources. How do I delete them (in game?)
    With the ISBoxer Control Panel open, you click on the "X" and then save your VFX set.

    Quote Originally Posted by rfarris View Post
    Also, is there a video or text guide explaining when I would want to save a "Video FX Set?" It seems that my feeds aren't being saved, is this how I save them?
    From the link I provided:

    Until Saved using the ISBoxer Control Panel, all changes using the in-game Video FX editors are temporary and will be gone when your game instances close. Use the "Save As" button to save a Set of Video FX; each Video FX Viewer and Source in each window will be saved.

  9. #39


    WRT my earlier question about deleting extra video sources. I eventually managed to create a video source that I named is1. Doesn't it say not to do that on one of the videos guides? I can tell you that I didn't do it on purpose -- I was trying to create a video viewer and screwed it up.

    So in order to fix it I poked around in the InnserSpace/Scripts folder and found a ISBoxer.VideoFeeds.CharSet.ToonName.xml file and managed to delete the extra video sources and converted my is1 video source into a video viewer. Everything was good.

    I will admit that it wasn't easy to save that file, probably for a good reason. Can a really bad thing happen when editing the VideoFeeds config files?​ Or is it just a matter of being careful while you're in there?

  10. #40
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rfarris View Post
    So in order to fix it I poked around in the InnserSpace/Scripts folder and found a ISBoxer.VideoFeeds.CharSet.ToonName.xml file and managed to delete the extra video sources and converted my is1 video source into a video viewer. Everything was good.

    I will admit that it wasn't easy to save that file, probably for a good reason. Can a really bad thing happen when editing the VideoFeeds config files?​ Or is it just a matter of being careful while you're in there?
    It's a basic XML file with straight text and there shouldn't be anything difficult about saving it; that is, unless you aren't familiar with assigning text files their own extensions or you are hiding known extensions within Windows (which is its default behavior). If you use a useful text editor like Notepad++, then you shouldn't have any difficultly editing and saving XML files.

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