Normally, when you switch leaders, it runs a mapped key (or sends a Keybind to all windows).
In your case the mapped key it used to run turns on follow or strobe follow.
You need to change from Follow/JambaMaster or Strobe/JambaMaster on a switch to:
- Slot 1 is Leader
- Slot 2 is Leader
- Slot 3 is Leader
- Slot 4 is Leader
- Slot 5 is Leader
Each toon (determined by their slot) runs one of these mapped keys, when they become the leader.
The mapped key, in addition to the formation stuff, runs a mapped key.
Change it, so the mapped key it runs is JambaMaster, and not one of the auto follow Jamba options.
You have either follow or strobe follow, auto-enabling on a switch.
You need to change this so no follow action is done on a switch.
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