Thanks for taking the time to do stuff like this.
Me owning stuff in arenas!
A breakdown of each arena, showing why i chose spells, ie zoom to show hex's
a mix of owning+showing why
Thanks for taking the time to do stuff like this.
Always fun to see how others cookies crumbles
Hope its Epic!
Alliance Skullcrusher US
Shaman Team 80 Lilbeauty, Lilbeuaty, Lilbaeuty, Lilbauety
Warlock Team 70 Lilpeople, Lilpeopie, Lilpoeple, Lilpoepie
*cough* BUMP *cough*
The rest of the boxers on your server need to see how it's done! (aka ME)
make the video! lol
Gramzngunz (Leader)
Skullcrusher-Horde side :evil:
its 11-26-09 where is the videos?!?!?!?! I want to see them.
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