I started some new horde teams a couple days ago. My trial restriction is finally off yesterday, I logged in at 20, logged out at a dismal 24 and 4 hours of playing!!
I have Alliance side down to a science, but am soooo burned out on alliance. The last horde team I leveled were my hunters, but I wasn't using RAF so I instance grinded all the way to 42. From 42-60 I'm fine, I know exactly where to go (mostly because that is the funnest part of the 0-60 process :) )
So, can someone post a very quick blurb of what zones to go to at what levels (keep RAF in mind) up until 40? I have 2 other horde groups to level after this one...
I had a horribly inefficient sequence, I remember running and running forever in stonetalon mountains, then going to silverpine, then back to stonetalon, then to barrens, and now I'm sorta stuck at 24 in hillsbrad, and coudln't find anything good in ashenvale.....
like for alliance I do:
human/dwarf starting areas till 11
westfall/loch modan 11-16
lakeshire 16-19
darkshire/menthil 19-25
hillsbrad 25-30
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