

Type: Posts; User: Lax

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  1. Replies

    Yes, ISBoxer allows you to launch multiple D4 and...

    Yes, ISBoxer allows you to launch multiple D4 and other Diablo series games on one PC, using

    Quick run-down of setup, beyond the "install" step...

    1. Use the latest Development...
  2. Replies

    Fair, I skimmed past that line. I would say...

    Fair, I skimmed past that line.

    I would say good luck then, because Blizzard has required the launcher, with an SSO token (single-sign on, good only one time) generated when you click Play, for...
  3. Replies

    Okay, and I'll assume you haven't tried the box...

    Okay, and I'll assume you haven't tried the box in settings to allow multiple instances of

    At first you said you didn't want to violate rules though, and asked about using...
  4. Replies

    Diablo 4 does not let you log in directly through...

    Diablo 4 does not let you log in directly through the client anymore, you just need to use the launcher, which does not stop you from launching multiple Diablo 4 clients. You do not need any software...
  5. Replies

    This community is not here for self-promotion....

    This community is not here for self-promotion. Show some class and don't post desperately on every new thread asking about software. The community can speak for itself.
  6. Replies

    I've already given my reasoning and explanations...

    I've already given my reasoning and explanations in other threads without attacking any other software. Rob feels the need to attack me every time he posts, so I am put on the defensive.
  7. Replies

    1. Inner Space is not a "bot engine". That bots...

    1. Inner Space is not a "bot engine". That bots "could be created for it" is a function of being an open platform. Inner Space is as much a "bot engine" as Windows is, or Windows Scripting Host....
  8. Replies

    Not at all. In fact, when I was buying...

    Not at all.

    In fact, when I was buying Ultimate the day Vista came out, a MS representative was outside Best Buy waiting with the few of us who were there, and he suggested that I might as well...
  9. Disabling rendering is complicated and not...

    Disabling rendering is complicated and not something that Inner Space is currently going to do for you. It was of course a feature of a certain cheat extension. I can look into doing something...
  10. Personally, I have macros to set my focus target...

    Personally, I have macros to set my focus target to each of my characters, and my PiP swap will set the focus target -- Zanthor's setup does this as well
  11. Replies

    Thanks for clearing that up for us. I believe...

    Thanks for clearing that up for us.

    I believe you are wrong about how you think (or at least how you say you think) other dual-boxing software works. Your site says you can do things like this:
  12. Replies

    It is bannable to read or modify WoW game memory,...

    It is bannable to read or modify WoW game memory, including the in-game chat interfaces. Blizzard would certainly not approve of software that does that. Please explain to us how your software is...
  13. You should probably just come on IRC so we can...

    You should probably just come on IRC so we can answer your questions quickly instead of waiting for us to reply on forums :)

    Crash course on relay, binds, and aliases:

    the Relay command takes a...
  14. Ok, I added an optional PiPSqueak feature to...

    Ok, I added an optional PiPSqueak feature to WindowSnapper. Its job is to "squeak" the "main" (first) window into an empty PiP slot (this is what you're looking for, olipcs and Dragonshadow).
  15. Repeater does the mouse wheel when mouse...

    Repeater does the mouse wheel when mouse repeating is enabled, assuming you have the current version of it.

    p.s. The "no holes" setup for WindowSnapper is basically ready, just doing some testing...
  16. Right, that looks exactly as I described. You've...

    Uh no, let me show you what I mean. Pic in a few mins.

    absolutely frikin' huge pic.[/quote]Right, that looks exactly as I described. You've got...
  17. Is your second monitor upside down? autolayout...

    autolayout right

    In your multi.iss if you are following my setup.[/quote]

    Not working.

    run windowsnapper -norollover
    run autolayout ${clients} right
    windowpos -viewable 0,0
  18. What is your point again? I thought the real...

    What is your point again? I thought the real moderators told you to stay out of Inner Space threads? Why are you even a moderator?

    These things you are pointing out are available in other software...
  19. You can follow Zanthor's guide then replace...

    You can follow Zanthor's guide then replace multi.iss with Greythan's version depending on the number of CPU cores you have. If you want to join us in chat, someone can explain it to you -- find a...
  20. Replies

    RE: Innerspace and Lotro and maybe keyclone?

    Inner Space has a feature called "Lock Foreground" which comes enabled by default for EverQuest II and Lord of the Rings Online, which both have this requirement for input replication. The full...
  21. In that case: run autolayout ${clients} outer...

    In that case:

    run autolayout ${clients} outer left
    This will automatically use whichever number of clients you give it. You may find that you like the windows on the left to be a specific size,...
  22. Absolutely, it looks like he now has the current...

    Absolutely, it looks like he now has the current versions of WindowSnapper, AutoLayout and Repeater included. The only change you need to make to his multi.iss now is for your desire of room for 4...
  23. Replies

    There should really be no lag, but it will also...

    There should really be no lag, but it will also depend on your network congestion and the framerate (fps) of the game. Feel free to drop by our chat channel if you'd like to discuss, I believe there...
  24. Well, the reason your FPS is lower is we're...

    Well, the reason your FPS is lower is we're keeping your WoW resolution at the full screen size, and running 5 on a dual core is going to really tax your system as it is ;) With a quad you wouldn't...
  25. Zanthor's setup is already showing its age, and...

    Zanthor's setup is already showing its age, and hes been busy so he hasnt gotten it updated I guess ;)

    So here's what to do. If you're using Zanthor's multi.iss, replace it with this:

Showing results 1 to 25 of 100
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