It's all about what you enjoy playing and having fun. Hope the hunters work out for you! Oh and extra points for using the word "golly" 3x in this post :)
Type: Posts; User: Lance
It's all about what you enjoy playing and having fun. Hope the hunters work out for you! Oh and extra points for using the word "golly" 3x in this post :)
Lol that's reminded me that is by far my most common tell. Invite me!
I just don't reply to anything negative (or pointless like wtf? tells) but tbh I dont get much hassle dunno why. I've got groups on pve and pvp servers. Mostly I get a wtf? or someone following me...
I don't think this is a good idea. Just get out there and play wotlk money is alot easier to get there than tbc. You cant even use flyers till 77 anyways.
*note to self* sarcasm on us forums :)
Ualaa ffs that was pathetic. You should go back to single boxing we don't need ppl like you mulitboxing we get enough bad press as it is.
Rin was it you who posted a really long discussion type post before that ultimately was pointless? Not sure if it was you or was even this forum but it rings a bell.
A stupid joke but actually has some relevance ironically. If enough people did this then hmmm....
I'll def be giving it a try. Even if it's just for something to do before wotlk. Not planning on multiboxing it though.
My guys are in the 50s atm and so far I've only noticed one instance of handing in a quest my main got the full raf xp and the alt only got the regular xp. Other than that one time It's worked fine...
I'm levelling up a druid as well. Come wotlk I'll have the option of 5 shams, pally and 4 shams or druid and 4 shams.
I think I may have to re-jig my professions a bit. I've currently got engineering and alchemy on my pally for the goggles and stone but am hearing that bs may be useful now in wotlk. I'm going to...
This thread is brilliant. I love it how sam really does care how he's not the "top" boxer. Although he brought in his eq accounts to prove he is. Genius! Keep it up sam please this is funny!...
I can't really think of anything that would worry me more than seeing you in my window.[/quote]What about cris johansen?
There's a high probability that the team you saw was mine. Pally + 4x Shaman. My guild is Tribo on Alliance side and there are 2x 5-boxers in our guild. 8)[/quote]That would maybe be true if bethanya...
Try clique?
Yeah I haven't healed per se although I use Holy Nova in with my AE from the mages. I find it the key to what I can do. I can get away with pretty stupid pulls. Can do 2 or 3 trash groups in BRD at...
How's your alliance group going maj?
My current main grp is an aoe based group. I have a prot pally, disc priest and 3 arcane/fire mages. It works really well. I've run instances with several different groups and this is the easiest and...
I'm still struggling to come to terms with playing alliance :) If this was on horde side I'd def make this my main and transfer all my chars over here.
Lol your posts really do crack me up. Although to be fair I think your typing is getting better. Feel free to take that into considderation. :)
Don't set them up in formation before you leave them?
OK thanks empi...will need to make my mind up soon :)
Thanks too Ilion but thats not what I was talking about.
Was just wondering with your hunters pets do they always keep up with you ok? I've got a priest and 4 lock group and sometimes they lag way behind and I have to keep waiting for them to catch up. The...
I was unique....
... until everyone started rolling SHAMMIES and a PROT PALLY!
Hey, I gave the Prot. Warrior an honest try before rolling my own Paladin. (lvl 20! woooo) :P And I do...
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