PvP Information
- Check My Armory for PvP:
- No
Specifics about your multiboxing
- What Game Do You Primarily Multibox?:
- WoW
- What Server Do You Play On?:
- US - Magtheridon, and Alliance on Feathermoon.
- How Many Accounts / Toons Do You Multibox?:
- 5+
- Multicasting Tools and Why?:
- Currently using ISBoxer. I started with Keyclone and used it to level my team, when I upgraded my computer, I made the switch. Currently not using any addons outside scrolling combat text, bagon and Titan Panel.
- Class Makeup:
- Two teams, four priests on Mag, and 4 Dks and a Paladin on Feathermoon.
- World of Warcraft Characters:
- US|Magtheridon|Horde|Sarij
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