Specifics about your multiboxing
- What Game Do You Primarily Multibox?:
- World of Warcraft
- What Server Do You Play On?:
- The Venture Co
- How Many Accounts / Toons Do You Multibox?:
- 5+
- Multicasting Tools and Why?:
- I use IS:Boxer because keyclone still has a bug that prevents it from sending distinct left/right alt/ctrl keys. It does differentiate between left/right shift - just not alt/ctrl.
I've been out of the keyclone loop long enough now that I'm not even sure it will do all the things I can do with InnerSpace.
- Class Makeup:
- Team 1 - Warrior, 4x Elemental Shaman
Team 2 - Paladin, Druid, Mage, Priest, Shaman
Team 3 - Death
Multiboxing Software
What software are you using?
- LavishBadgeImage:
- KeyClone User:
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