Multiboxing skills: what are they and do you have them?
, 07-16-2014 at 04:57 PM (16287 Views)
I've been multiboxing 2-6 boxes across 3 games since the summer of 2008, so I suppose that is six years of experience, on and off. Most of that time has been spent in World of Warcraft, a few weeks in Lord of the Rings and a few weeks in Rift (last summer and right now). So I've been practicing for years but I'm not sure if that means I'm actively getting better. When I play (raid on) a solo character (almost always a healing priest in wow) I have very definite ways in which to improve. Not only am I constantly getting feed back from watching meters and reviewing logs but there are always dozens of things to read theorycrafting the state of your spec at the moment, and so I can confidently set goals and work on improving my game. This patch (SOO) I went from not having raided for more than two weeks in a row in years to ranking on most of the regular mode 25 man bosses and a couple of heroics (if I hadn't had such a wussy raid leader who loved to run with too many healers those numbers might have been even better).
But today I'm listening to an audiobook about performance and thinking about myself as a multiboxer and wondering whether I am "good" and how I can be better. I think for the most part I am "good enough" for whatever I want to do at the moment, but there have certainly been skill walls that I have hit over the years that prevented me from doing things I wanted to do (Cata heroics! The pain!)
I thought I might take some time and try to break down the skills a multiboxer uses and more importantly ask all of you what other skills you have (wish you had) and how they might be improved. Some of these are going to be the same skills that an individual player needs, some will be unique to our situations.
Creation of efficient dps and tanking rotations from existing class guides like Icy-veins
Brainstorming creative healing solutions to keep as much of the system firing on auto-pilot as possible
Encountering a new feature in game and saying AHAH! I can use this while boxing (an excellent example is the gentleman that suggested I use a rift dimension not only for testing combat dps but also to hide my toons in when I need to take a break while questing).
Execution of interrupts/stuns
Efficient debuffing
Movement with aoe damage
Movement of packs of mobs
Independent movement of slaves
Switching between boxes seamlessly and comfortably
Non-fatal aggro management
inventory management skills/systems
information flow management (through video feeds, buff watching, etc)
Pvp specific skills? (I haven't pvped while boxing in years)
Please let me know if you can think of any more to add to this list, later this week I'll talk about where I think I stand on these skills and how one might go about practicing them.
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