Witty Title Line Goes Here
, 09-02-2012 at 11:49 PM (11145 Views)
Raarrr @ game changing patches. I have no idea why it takes so long to get back up and running after things change. I didn't think anything that I was doing was all that complicated, but it still took me days before I was ready to actually leave town and do something with my team.
It certainly doesn't help that something is screwy with macros on Blizzards end so I can't even be sure that the macros I fixed stayed fixed. Shock of the week, Blizzard still doesn't provide enough macro space on a per-toon basis.
But I finally got Humpty Dumpty together again {take that, Queen's Horses and Queen's Men} and took on something more difficult than target dummies. As always, once I start with the tweeking, I can't stop, so my list of changes was pretty extensive.
Of course, I got everyone moved over to their finalized priority systems. And once I did that, I had to do it all over again because the macros weren't working.
Then there was just a bunch of quality of life stuff that I added.
I duplicated my spam key so I have one that uses IWT and one that doesn't.
I did some interface tweaks since I don't have to watch so many procs anymore. Happily the only thing I still have to keep an eye on is Maelstrom Weapon, but really, I only have to keep half an eye on that. I also watch for my tank to proc because I have Glyph of Harsh Words on her, so I'm normally spending Word of Glory as extra damage, but I spend it on myself with DP procs. I'll probably change that eventually, but right now I've got enough random healing hitting her.
I finalized my mouseover-based movement from my Jamba Team list, so I can simply mouse over a bar and hit w,s,q or e and only that toon will move. Or I can hit Home and all my slaves will follow that toon. I might add assist+IWT to it, too, but right now I'd only use it for my jewelcrafting daily, and I'm too lazy for that.
Fixed the item comparison setup so it'll fit multiple items {2nd weapon/ring/trinket} and added secondary clicky-swapping so that I can have my main full-sized on my main monitor and a slave full-sized on the secondary monitor. Since I use 2 video cards, the game wasn't real happy about swapping my slaves from monitor2 to monitor1 all the time. But mostly it just makes things like the cave daily in Molten Front less laggy.
I also expanded the region so I can use the item comparison for quest rewards instead of just boss drops. That will come in handy once I'm questing again.
Finally I had to go in and tweak my UI scale in the game files because they weren't exactly the same, despite what the slider was telling me and that was starting to get on my nerves.
And after all that, I finally got to play. Things are going ok, I guess. I still don't trust my macros, so I'll have to go check those again later this week. And I cannot find the words to express how much I frickin' hate the cooldown on cleanses. I have died SOOOOOO much because I can't remove owie dots and crap quick enough. Which is kind of absurd considering I have 2 shamans and 2 paladins. Seriously, wtf Blizz? Didn't you screw me enough by taking away my cleansing totems and jacking the cost-to-cure last expansion, now you gut my totems again and add an 8s cooldown on curing?
Last one, I promise.
That's 1 *shakefist* for each of my curererers. My DK would *shakefist* too, but she's dead.
And to end on a positive note, I cannot explain how much fun it is to fish*5. I've been doing it for a while now, but it just makes me unreasonably happy. It's like Whack-a-mole, but in a fun way. I bet I get reported a whole lot more now.
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