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My Beta!

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I should get 3 accounts into beta maybe more when blizzard sorts out my accounts.

Am hoping to get warlocks to level 90 and see what there going to be like in pvp/pve/wpvp this is the group i really would like to work on in MoP.

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Mop Beta


  1. jnorland's Avatar
    Just as a question, I've never played in a Beta so I'm curious how it plays with your current characters; are you able to level the characters you currently have or do you have to start from scratch? I'm guessing that when Beta goes live you aren't able to keep any of the progress you've gained but I'm really not sure. Just wondering how that all plays out.
  2. ebony's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by jnorland
    Just as a question, I've never played in a Beta so I'm curious how it plays with your current characters; are you able to level the characters you currently have or do you have to start from scratch? I'm guessing that when Beta goes live you aren't able to keep any of the progress you've gained but I'm really not sure. Just wondering how that all plays out.

    Works the same as the PTR's you get to copy your chars over. you can do this 5 times on beta anything done on beta stays on beta. there is premades as well that they normaley give you each level gap 86 87 88 89 90. they normaley have good gear on.
  3. jnorland's Avatar
    Awesome, thanks for the info, I was wondering how that would all work. Thanks again!