5 man leveling guide (day before classic launch)
, 08-26-2019 at 06:58 AM (18004 Views)
As per my YouTube video I am posting this on dual-boxing in case anyone is interested in it
Run gnomes and dwaves town down through Deeprun tram to Elywnn
Run humans to meet them in old town
Aquire 10 copper for herbalism (trainer in IF opposite griffin)
Acquire 26 copper for Mining + pick (trainer in dwarven district of SW)
Acquire 26 copper for skinning + knife (trainer in old town of SW)
Pick up SW flight path for entire team and run to Northshire Abbey complete-
Investigate Echo Ridge
Kobold Camp Cleanup
Skirmish at Echo Ridge
Head to Goldshire (approx level 3)
Complete Priest class quest - Garments of the light
Complete Fargodeep mine
Complete Jasperlorde mine
Catch Tram to IF and head back to Drawf starting Area and complete- (approx level 4)
The troll cave
the stolen journal
the boar hunter
a refugee's quandary
scalding moonbrew delivery
bring back the mug
move to Kranos and then complete- (approx level 5-6)
Ammo for rumbleshot
shocking jetstream (collection quest but lead on to kill quest)
a favour for evershine (7-8)
those blasted troggs! (8-9)
the public servent (9-10)
frostmane hold (8-9)
protecting the herd (level 11 elite)
The lost pilot
a pilots revenge (11)
Run on to Loch Modan Flight Path then fly back to SW and head into Elwynn (Goldshire inn) and pick up a skin of sweet rum per toon for much later on and complete (approx level 8-9)
Princess must die (9)
Find the lost guards
Manhunt (10)
Protect the Frontier (9-10)
Hogger! (11 elite)
Once the Warrior his level 10 complete his Warrior stance quests
Move onto Westfall and complete- (KEEP ALL HOPS, STRINGY VULTURE MEAT, OKRA, MURLOC EYE, GORETUSK SNOUT) (approx level 10-11)
The Forgotten Heirloom
Furlbrow's Deed (if it droped in elywnn)
The people militia pt1 (11-13)
The people militia pt2 (13-15)
Red leather bandana's (collection quest but you will kill a lot of militia)
Get the Westfall flightpath and now back to Loch Modan to complete- (approx level 11-12)
Filthy Paws (10-14 collection of items on ground quest)
In Defense of the King's Lands pt1 (11-12)
In Defense of the King's Lands pt2 (13-14)
In Defense of the King's Lands pt3 (15-16)
In Defense of the King's Lands pt4 (16-17)
Find Bingles
Bingles missing supplies
A Hunter's Boast (15-16)
A Hunter's Challenge (16-17)
A Dark Threat Looms chain
Back to Westfall and complete- (KEEP ALL HOPS, STRINGY VULTURE MEAT, OKRA, MURLOC EYE, GORETUSK SNOUT) (approx lvl 15-16)
Westfall Stew (collection quests that arnt quest items)
The people militia pt3 (15-18)
Red leather bandana's (drop quest continued)
The defias brotherhood chain
Captain Sander's Hidden Treasure chain
The coast isnt clear (12-19)
The coastial menace (20)
As part of doing the defias botherhood chain you will go to redridge (on way go to duskwood FP and get moonshine from the inn) get the FP and complete- (approx lvl 16-17)
Assessing the threat (15-17)
A free lunch
Dry times (need keg of thunderbrew from thunderbrew quest in southern westfall [need 25 hops], merlot from SW, moonshine from duskwood, sweet rum from goldshire)
Hilary's Necklace
A Baying of Gnolls (17-19)
The Lost Tools
Now head back to Loch Modan for Elite Quests- (approx lvl 17-18)
Vyrin's Revenge (20 elite if not done previously)
A Dark threat looms (18 elite finish chain part of it is in wetlands where we complete algaz gauntlet)
The Algaz Gauntlet (19-21 on way to Wetlands)
Travel on to Menethil Harbour and complete- (approx lvl 19-20)
Tramping Paws (20-22)
Claws from the Deep (20-22)
Then fly from Menethil back to Loch Modan and complete- (approx lvl 19-20)
A Dark threat looms (finish it)
Mercenaries (18-20 elites)
Wanted: Chok'Sul (22 elite)
Fly to SW and Pick up the Deadmines quests from dwarvern district and then fly on to duskwood and complete- (approx lvl 20-21)
The Nights Watch pt1 (21-23)
Eight-Legged Menaces (18-19)
Wolves at our heels (19-21)
Head to Westfall and makes sure you finish the Defias brotherhood chain then its Deadmines time (approx lvl 21)
Deadmines quests- (see Tips DM guide on classic WoWhead)
Underground Assault (pick up from dwarven district SW)
The Defias Brotherhood (last quest in chain you have been completing)
Red Silk Bandanas (pick up in Sentinal Hill)
Oh Brother... (pick up in dwarven district SW)
Collecting Memories m(pick up in dwarven district SW)
Grind Deadmines until level 23
Fly to Menethil and get a boat to Theremore Isle. Get the FP then run to ratchet (get FP) and get all the WC quests- (see Tips WC guide on classic WoWhead)
Smart Drinks (Ratchet)
Trouble at the Docks (Ratchet)
Deviate Hides (above WC)
Deviate Eradication (above WC)
The Glowing Shard (off the end boss of WC)
Redridge 25ish quests- (lvl 24)
Howling in the Hills (25)
Blackrock Bounty (24-25)
Tharil'zun (25)
Shadow magic (23 elite drop quest 3 per toon)
An Unwelcome Guest (24)
Glowing shadowhide pendant (drops of lev 25 gnolls)
Wanted: Gath'Ilzogg (26 elite)
Wanted: Lieutenant Fangore (26)
Pick up BFD quests from SW and IF then head to Menethil and catch the boat to Aubadine.. get Aubadine FP then get the boat to Darn. Collect the BFD quest in Darn and train an weapon skills here you may need. Get the Darn FP and fly back to Aubadine and collect Researching the Corruption. Contunue down to the Grove of the Ancients and pick up the escort quest into Ashenvale (lvl 25)
The Sleeper has Awakened
Bathran's Hair (collect quest might be ok with dynamic respawning?)
Then find Talen and complete- (lvl 25)
The Ancient Statuette
Ruuzel (22)
Push on to Astranaar set your hearthstone and get the GP and complete-(lvl25)
Raene's Cleansing pt1
Raene's Cleansing pt2
Culling the Threat (25)
Raene's Cleansing pt3 -Pt8 (as far as you can go)
Elune's Tear
BFD Quests -(see Tips DM guide on classic WoWhead) (level 26)
Knowledge in the deeps (pick up from Forlorn Cavern in IF)
Researching the corruption (pick up from park in SW then have to go via Aubadine)
Twilight Falls (pick up from craftmans terrace in Darn)
In Search of Thaelrid (pick up from craftmans terrace in Darn)
Blackfathom Villainy (follows on from In Search of Thaelrid in BFD which finishes in Darn)
After completeing BFD hearth back to Astranaar and fly to Darn to complete quests then complete- (level 26)
Vile Satyr! Dryads in Danger!
Kayneth Stillwind
Forsaken Diseases
Insane Druids
Make sure you have the 2 stonetalon mountain quests from Astanaar and head to Stonetalon Peak and also get Nijals Point in Desolace (lvl 27)
Fly back to Ratchet then get boat to Booty Bay. Get the FP and Fly to Duskwood-
Consider doing if you are still low enough level to get the good xp but they have some collection quests
The Nights Watch pt2 (23-24)
The Nights Watch pt3 (27-28)
Worgon in the Woods pt1 (27-28)
Worgon in the Woods pt2 (28-29)
Worgon in the Woods pt1 (29-30)
Head to Wetlands for Dun Modr quests and pick up the Stockades quests from Lakeshire and Dun Modr-
Blisters on The Land (26)
Digging through the Ooze (24)
Fall of Dun Modr
1. The Third Fleet
2. The Cursed Crew
3. Lifting the Curse
4. The Eye of Paleth
5. Cleansing the Eye
1. Ormer's Revenge pt1 (22-25)
2. Ormer's Revenge pt2 (25-27)
3. Ormer's Revenge pt3 (29)
Uncovering the Past
1. The Thandol Span
2. The Thandol Span
3. The Thandol Span
4. Plea To The Alliance
A Grim Task (34 ELITE)
The Dark Iron War (28-31 ELITE)
Continue up to Arathi to get the FP at Refuge Point
Northfold Manor (30-32) after completing run to Southshore get the FP
1 [33] Hints of a New Plague?
Do a quick SFK run - no quests
Then hearth back to Refuge Point-
2 [36] Hints of a New Plague?
3 [36] Hints of a New Plague?
4 [37] Hints of a New Plague?
5 [37] Hints of a New Plague?
and Fly to SW for Stockade runs using tips out guide-
The Stockade Riots
Quell The Uprising
What Comes Around...
The Fury Runs Deep
The Color of Blood
Crime and Punishment
Head to Thousand Needles and pick up flight paths for Feralas and Tanaris and complete the klll quest on the Shimmering Flats and the quest to go see Hemet
A bump in the road
Hemet Nessingwary
gather RFK quests and grind RFK-
Blueleaf Tubers
Willix teh Importer
The Crone Of the Kraul
Mortality Wanes
Head to STV to start on the Nessingwary Quests-
Panther Mastery
Tiger Mastery
Raptor Mastery
gather Gnomeragon quests and grind it-
A fine mess
The sparklematic 5200!
Grime-entrusted Ring
Save Techbots Brain!
The Only Cure is More Green Glow
Gyrodrillmatic Excavationators
Essentail Artifacts
Data Rescue
The Grand Betrayal
Head up to Hillsbrad Foothill and complete-
Down the Coast
And other suitable quests
Then head to Scarlet Monastery and grind-
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