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Two-Monk Joy POW POW

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I've been having a blast this week two-boxing a brewmaster/mistweaver through dungeons (both alone and through LFD) and I just wanted to share that joy. Mistweavers aren't the easy and fun dps powerhouses that they were when they launched but I've spent hours testing a rotation that allows for a lot of kickboxing fun and a living group.
Mistweaver Brewmaster

My secret is that I'm actually leading (into melee) from the healer, so that she is never out of range and unable to trigger eminence. I spinning crane kick a lot with the tank to sweep up aggro on packs as we pull them and my MW has shown this works because she can take a few punches while she dishes them out. In case of emergency you'll also need taunt, silence, and giant green health bubble on keybind. I also make liberal use of monk CC on casters since closing on casters in a full pack with two melee at once is dicey.

Punchy mistweaver rotation (glyphed expel harm and surging mist):

/castsequence [combat] reset=combat Stance of the Spirited Crane, null
/cast Rising Sun Kick
/cast [@focus] chi wave
/castsequence Blackout Kick, Surging Mist
/cast [@focus] Expel Harm
/cast [combat] Chi Brew
/cast Jab
It's not easy but it's fun as hell.

This is how the skills break down as damage/heals (these numbers are from 2 or 3 level 72 dungeons)

You'll also need a GOOD brewmaster rotation that does a good job with passive mitigation or splat.

Interested in trying ISBoxer? Use my referral link or the code #6653-luxblog and we both get some extra time if you decide to sign up!

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Updated 05-03-2016 at 09:26 AM by MiRai (Formatting)

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  1. JohnGabriel's Avatar
    Do you think you'd be able to take 5 monks or the rotation get a bit much?
  2. luxlunae's Avatar
    Good question! 2 mistweavers would make this safer and give it a little more breathing room, more than that would be a waste dps wise, I think.
  3. emitchell109's Avatar
    I have a 5monk team, and I will fraps my leveling. When I brew tank on a team of 5 I lead with my tank and use a lot of kiting. Granted that was with a full host of Range dps. With melee, it will be interesting. May look into the leading from the healer.
  4. dragonz's Avatar
    Mistweavers aren't the easy and fun dps powerhouses.