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  1. How I got started multiboxing

    by , 10-16-2015 at 09:00 AM (Ramblings of a Computer Geek, Social Freak, Gamer, WoW Nerd, Hacker, Maker...)
    I started to multibox World of Warcraft sometime at the end of the Burning Crusade Expansion. I had just earned my "Champion of the Naaru" title and because I was not raiding Black Temple, I was pretty much done for that expansion. I was a crazy casual noob who insisted bears could tank and did a lot of Karazhan to Tempest Keep / Serpentshrine Caverns raiding in a causal raiding guild.

    I remember I was frustrated and tired of how bear tanks were at the end of Burning ...

    Updated 10-16-2015 at 11:26 AM by Svpernova09

    WoW , Multiboxing , Life
  2. VideoFX + Firefox + WoWAPI = in game (ish) PvP Scanner

    by , 02-08-2012 at 11:00 AM (Ramblings of a Computer Geek, Social Freak, Gamer, WoW Nerd, Hacker, Maker...)

    So I had the idea of some kind of script that ran in a gui in an IS session that would allow you to quickly enter a character name, server and query their relevant PvP stats. This could be useful for arenas, rated Bgs, or any PvP situation where you need quick info on how geared / rated your opponent may be.

    I briefly talked to Lax and he recommended I write the code and run it via a browser in a video fx. I knocked out a script pretty quickly, ...
    Tags: wowapi Add / Edit Tags
    Multiboxing , WoW
  3. How long until realms no longer matter?

    by , 02-07-2012 at 11:00 AM (Ramblings of a Computer Geek, Social Freak, Gamer, WoW Nerd, Hacker, Maker...)
    With the latest WoW patch (4.3.2) Blizzard introduced the ability to group up with real ID friends and do any PvE dungeon (Except Dragon Soul) and do Rated Battlegrounds. For some reason they left off the ability to do regular battlegrounds. I was really hoping for that personally. The more I thought about how awesome it would be if realms / servers / shards no longer mattered in MMOs.
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    Realms have always been a limited factor ...
  4. Don't sweat the small stuff, a few notes on burnout and how to help avoid it

    by , 02-02-2012 at 11:00 AM (Ramblings of a Computer Geek, Social Freak, Gamer, WoW Nerd, Hacker, Maker...)
    What is burnout? Burnout is what most gamers have come to call the drop in interest or desire to play a certain game. It could be a multitude of reasons and honestly, everyone has their own reasons. What personally keeps me playing WoW is that there is so much to do. I have leveled 11 characters to 85. I have spent a lot of time on 3 individual characters and there is always something new to discover, or something new to achieve.

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    Games are a ...
    WoW , Life
  5. Confessions of an on and off Multiboxer

    by , 01-31-2012 at 11:05 AM (Ramblings of a Computer Geek, Social Freak, Gamer, WoW Nerd, Hacker, Maker...)
    I'm a long time (longer than others, shorter than some) on and off again multiboxer. I started playing WoW at launch and bounced around various servers before actually landing on Malygos, where I spent most of my vanilla time. I started playing two accounts in order to level alts faster. Once the Burning Crusade Expansion came out I took a free transfer to Madoran where I would spend most of BC and a good part of WotLK. I started 3 boxing while raiding and attempting to do some PvP. Shortly after ...

    Updated 01-31-2012 at 11:13 AM by Svpernova09

    WoW , Multiboxing