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Ramblings of a Computer Geek, Social Freak, Gamer, WoW Nerd, Hacker, Maker...

My name is Svpernova. I play lots of WoW, I also do lots of things outside of WoW which will also make their way here. I'm not political or religious and everything posted here will likely be offensive to someone. The views and ideas expressed here are in no way the views and ideas of or anyone else. If you're easily offended this isn't the blog for you.

  1. How I got started multiboxing

    by , 10-16-2015 at 09:00 AM (Ramblings of a Computer Geek, Social Freak, Gamer, WoW Nerd, Hacker, Maker...)
    I started to multibox World of Warcraft sometime at the end of the Burning Crusade Expansion. I had just earned my "Champion of the Naaru" title and because I was not raiding Black Temple, I was pretty much done for that expansion. I was a crazy casual noob who insisted bears could tank and did a lot of Karazhan to Tempest Keep / Serpentshrine Caverns raiding in a causal raiding guild.

    I remember I was frustrated and tired of how bear tanks were at the end of Burning ...

    Updated 10-16-2015 at 11:26 AM by Svpernova09

    Life , WoW , Multiboxing