I've been having a blast this week two-boxing a brewmaster/mistweaver through dungeons (both alone and through LFD) and I just wanted to share that joy. Mistweavers aren't the easy and fun dps powerhouses that they were when they launched but I've spent hours testing a rotation that allows for a lot of kickboxing fun and a living group. ...
Updated 05-03-2016 at 09:26 AM by MiRai (Formatting)
So long time frequenters of the forums and chat rooms will know that there is a vocal group of boxers that is always telling you that you ought to switch to Like-A-Pro configurations. The huge daunting obstacle standing between you and Like-A-Pro is building all of the macros for all of the classes. So I'm going to get you started with an empty set of 68 macros, and show you how you can systematically create all of the basic macros for a class, which you can then mix and match to make the LAP rotations ...
Updated 04-25-2016 at 08:27 AM by luxlunae
Time to play catch up, what have I been doing lately? THE RAID TEAM Recently I hit Draenor with SRS 2, it took a couple of days worth of questing but I ground my way through to level 100. Overall this team probably does about as much damage as my main team, despite the poor showing from my ele Shaman, seriously she's weaksauce. ...
Updated 02-02-2016 at 02:15 PM by Hor
Gentlemen, ladies... First an apology: this will not be a short introduction. However, I do hope it will be an informative, if not enjoyable one. So, if brevity is your thing then you may want to skim this or even avoid this one altogether. And with that out of the way, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Keith. I'm a 36 year old stay at home dad and gamer. I'm a bearded Southern gent of many interests. For our purposes, we'll focus on World of Warcraft and more specifically boxing... ...
I started multiboxing back in 2005(give or take 6 months), I think it was December. I had just moved from Germany to California and was on exodus(fancy way for Army peeps to say Christmas vacation) and I couldn’t go see my family so I tried out this game one of my soldiers was clamoring about; World of Warcraft. I loaded it up and rolled a human warlock on Bonechewer(because that’s where the dudes from Penny arcade were playing and hey, who doesn’t want to see some internet celebrities?). ...
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