View Full Version : Best Game to Box post WoW Changes!

09-03-2021, 12:01 PM
Since we just got this section, wanted to have a post basically saying if you are looking for a game to replace WoW. This is as close as it'll get to it.

At this time I've been on it for a good 3 months if not more and still having a blast.
To note, it's a bit difficult getting your accounts made and finally getting into the game, but once your in. You're in.
Their Trial mode is very generous as well. You get the base game + the first expansion for free and that is unlimited, this also includes no sub fee. So technically trying out this game, you only need to pay for 1 sub if you're playing 4 (typically party size) compared to others where you have to buy a lot to get into it. The reason for subbing on one is that you can't invite other players to a group as a free trial.

On that note as well, the game is fun from the beginning to the end and there is no "rush" to get to end game, so you won't feel like your missing out. The base game and first expansion even if you try to blow through it as fast as possible is still a 2+ month adventure and realistically can be 6 months depending on your playtime. There is a ton of content, and being able to switch classes on a whim without having to make a new character keeps you entertained.

Overall, the game has hit a really high note for a lot of players, and for a multiboxer it's the next best choice.

09-04-2021, 06:37 PM
Is it hard to set up with isboxer?

09-05-2021, 08:50 AM
Do you have a video/guide to setting up follow and assist? Mirai's old one doesn't work because you can no longer target names...

09-07-2021, 12:00 PM
Sorry for the few days delay. I do need to make a video on the initial setup to make it easier for anyone wanting to get into it.
It isn't as clean as WoW is but once you are in, you're in and it's smooth sailing from there.

09-12-2021, 03:29 PM
Sorry for the few days delay. I do need to make a video on the initial setup to make it easier for anyone wanting to get into it.
It isn't as clean as WoW is but once you are in, you're in and it's smooth sailing from there.

Once i get moved, I will be trying this again. I 4 boxed it before the first expansion..i dont remember it being easy to box dungons, but i had a lot of fun in the open world. I also remember it being fun, and good money, to make armour and "spirit bonding it" for materia (gems). But other than that, i think only one of my characters got to 50 ( max at the time ).

I miss the hell out of boxing WoW though!

09-13-2021, 12:26 PM
It really is a great pve game for boxing. I think the only thing gatekeeping most boxers i suggest try it is that you really do need a very powerful pc or multiple pc's to split the workload.

09-27-2021, 01:07 PM
What would you say I need GPU wise to run 4 on one PC? Planning on getting a new PC later in the year as I don't have space for multiple PC's and with the current extortion that is PC GPU's I want to get the best bang per buck :)

10-06-2021, 01:49 PM
I'd guess a 1070 or better. I'm running a 2070 and it does fine after tuning the settings even in town. Making sure to toggle off a bunch of stuff helps a lot.