10-08-2012, 12:42 PM
ilvl 454 Blood DK Tank
ilvl 446ish Ele Shaman, Surv Hunter, Arc Mage
ilvl 446ish Disc Priest
Trial Of the King: Same three bosses, but order may vary, I always find it easier when it starts with Kuai the Brute.
Kuai - I pop everything, ignore his pet, face boss away from group. You can't pull pet aggro at all so just be mindful of who he's on, for heals. Just run through Kuai when he does shockwave.
Haiyan the Unstoppable - pretty much tank and spank, have your guys spread out as he does an AoE meteor. He also does a conflag which is a dot + disoreint on target, just make sure the recipient re-orients direction back to boss once it's off. Easiest of the 3
Ming the Cunning can throw a monkey wrench into your group with his whirling dervish and magnetic field. Not sure if it's time based but I've only faced one Magnetic field, but I think if you are slow enough he'll get a second of each in. Again start with guys spread out so the whirling dervish only hits one (two if you are unlucky). Watch for Magnetic Field, he starts to spin. I pre-bubble tank, then get ready to group strafe (bound left and right for whole group on a key), once he pulls you in (tank will get pulled in early, so I start strafing away on him separate from group), start strafing out, you'll still have aggro so boss will find you in that huge crowd. At this point just re-face your slaves to tank, and finish him off
Gekken - At start I CC the two casters on the sides, pull melee mob in front of Gekken, another melee mob comes in, just aoe that group (Gekken, and 2 melee adds), I pop everything and focus down the two melee adds. If you are lucky he doesn't use buff on either of the Healer adds which you have cc'd (it breaks CC) on some fights I've re'ccd. I kill healer adds then leave Gekken for last. To complete the encounter you have to kill the entire group. This encounter is easier then Trial of Kings, I suppose another option would be to nuke down Gekken, which gets rid of his buff on pets??
Xin the Weaponmaster - I have not killed in Heroic yet. Really hoping it's just due to positioning, but am worried it's a General Hussan like fight where it's just random bs :p I've had slaves in center and have gotten boss down to 20% but other times, they get chewed down early.
ilvl 446ish Ele Shaman, Surv Hunter, Arc Mage
ilvl 446ish Disc Priest
Trial Of the King: Same three bosses, but order may vary, I always find it easier when it starts with Kuai the Brute.
Kuai - I pop everything, ignore his pet, face boss away from group. You can't pull pet aggro at all so just be mindful of who he's on, for heals. Just run through Kuai when he does shockwave.
Haiyan the Unstoppable - pretty much tank and spank, have your guys spread out as he does an AoE meteor. He also does a conflag which is a dot + disoreint on target, just make sure the recipient re-orients direction back to boss once it's off. Easiest of the 3
Ming the Cunning can throw a monkey wrench into your group with his whirling dervish and magnetic field. Not sure if it's time based but I've only faced one Magnetic field, but I think if you are slow enough he'll get a second of each in. Again start with guys spread out so the whirling dervish only hits one (two if you are unlucky). Watch for Magnetic Field, he starts to spin. I pre-bubble tank, then get ready to group strafe (bound left and right for whole group on a key), once he pulls you in (tank will get pulled in early, so I start strafing away on him separate from group), start strafing out, you'll still have aggro so boss will find you in that huge crowd. At this point just re-face your slaves to tank, and finish him off
Gekken - At start I CC the two casters on the sides, pull melee mob in front of Gekken, another melee mob comes in, just aoe that group (Gekken, and 2 melee adds), I pop everything and focus down the two melee adds. If you are lucky he doesn't use buff on either of the Healer adds which you have cc'd (it breaks CC) on some fights I've re'ccd. I kill healer adds then leave Gekken for last. To complete the encounter you have to kill the entire group. This encounter is easier then Trial of Kings, I suppose another option would be to nuke down Gekken, which gets rid of his buff on pets??
Xin the Weaponmaster - I have not killed in Heroic yet. Really hoping it's just due to positioning, but am worried it's a General Hussan like fight where it's just random bs :p I've had slaves in center and have gotten boss down to 20% but other times, they get chewed down early.