View Full Version : Temple of the Jade Serpent
I didn't see a thread for this, so here's one.
My team is only level 86, so this is just for normal, but I'm happy enough that I've got the fights down.
My techniques:
Wise Mari: Kill the spawns and then run your team up to the wall behind Mari and just eat the water blast & heal up (hard at 85 with fresh 372ish gear, easy at 86 with 390+ gear). If you can't manage to heal through it, you can have your team run in circles (avoiding the water if you can) and nuke, healing as you get a chance. Takes forever that way, but it's doable.
2nd boss will be luck of the draw: Each time I basically just nuked them and healed through it. First time was at 85 with an average ilvl of 372 for my team, second time was at 86 with 390 average.
3rd boss: Position your DPS & Heals so that they avoid the waves that spawn and burn the boss down until it becomes a dragon. Move your team out of the void zones the dragon will spawn and burn it down. This fight is hard if you are fresh 85, but really easy when you have some gear and a level.
4th and final boss: This one I could not do at 85 because my DPS just wasn't good enough and killing the boss required me to not make any mistakes on debuffing, stop DPSing to heal, and etc. Also, this boss seemed to aggro right as my character crossed into the room, causing the door to close and sometimes locking characters out. So, my strategy for the Sha of Doubt is:
1) Pull it into the courtyard in front of the boss room, causing it to de-spawn.
2) Once the boss has de-spawned, run my team into its room and position them in a clump wherever convenient, and wait for it to re-spawn.
3) Nuke the boss, and be sure to IMMEDIATELY dispel the debuff it casts on one of your teammates.
4) The boss will disappear and summon adds - one for each of your party. You should be in a clump and just AoE burn them down ASAP; if you don't, they can explode (hurting you and healing the boss)
5) Repeat 3 and 4, collect loot when done.
10-03-2012, 08:50 PM
I was able to do Sha of doubt at 85 (1 prot pally, 4 ele sham, 390 geared) by using a spread macro at the start and after each add phase (grouped back and used ancestral guidance for adds with CL spam). At 87 it's a joke as you just pop Ascendance and hero and elemental mastery at the start and nuke him down to bugger all.
I did have to do a fair bit of self healing though, healing stream every cd and adds hurt the shams if they dont die quick enough
10-06-2012, 09:44 AM
run my team into its room and position them in a clump wherever convenient.
Once your healers mana can handle stacking up instead of spreading (the boss still AoE's, even if you're quick on dispel) try positioning your team in a corner somewhere, with your backs to the wall. This way, when the adds spawn, they move into a nice stack in front of you so you can cleave them down easily.
10-07-2012, 12:22 AM
My team cleared heroic today (4 DKs, 1 shaman), One blood, the shaman is resto. My gear is 454 with mostly pvp.
Wise Mari:
P1, Simply kill the spawns and don't stand in the puddles.
P2, Standing in the water does damage, his wave does damage. My dps died early on but since there's no pressure the tank was able to solo it.
Lorewalker Stonestep
The Trial of yaungol
I killed on boss then the other, although you're supposed to switch whenever they do their moves.
Liu Flameheart
P1 Not much to it, the fire walls spawn outside of melee range so you don't need to do anything but dps and cleanse.
p2, Pools of poison everywhere so keep moving.
Sha of Doubt
A simple fight just cleanse the magic and collect loot.
Once your healers mana can handle stacking up instead of spreading (the boss still AoE's, even if you're quick on dispel) try positioning your team in a corner somewhere, with your backs to the wall. This way, when the adds spawn, they move into a nice stack in front of you so you can cleave them down easily.
I'm going to do that next time I run and see how it works - one time I was against a wall they seemed to spawn inside the wall, but I don't know if that's just perception or what. I do distributed healing in (my shammies cast a heal now and again) as well as have my priest do dedicated healing, so it's really easy now to heal through the fight.
10-08-2012, 05:27 AM
they seemed to spawn inside the wall.
Make sure it's a solid wall and not a door, etc.
It's not really a big deal. Once you get up to a decent item level on your DPS, you can easily just pull them together, IWT to face the mobs and then chain lightning kills them fast enough. I'm just lazy and like making things as easy as possible :)
10-15-2012, 01:26 PM
I think Sha of Doubt was made to sound a little more trivial than it is. There are multiple facets to this fight and the OP had a pretty good strat. I am just adding what I do to this thread: On the pull I run straight to the boss and start. You must immediately dispel both on the pull and after each add phase. Then, on the pull and after each add phase I spread out one at a time (no spread macro). The main thing about this fight is dispelling and killing the adds fast enough. On each adds phase I put everyone on follow and basically focus one at a time with some passive AOE.
So, my strat is group up, dispel then spread, nuke, group up, dispel then spread, nuke, etc.
10-16-2012, 08:06 AM
Then, on the pull and after each add phase I spread out one at a time (no spread macro).
You don't have a spread out macro, so you can't spread out with one? I know times is of the essence on this fight and a macro would be better,no?
Also, i noticed in one attempt on this fight, there are floating crystals in each corner with energy beams/bolts coming out, you can click on them and they vanish.. anyone know what that does? I ended up beating the encounter but never figured out what those do.. if anything.
10-17-2012, 12:51 AM
You don't have a spread out macro, so you can't spread out with one? I know times is of the essence on this fight and a macro would be better,no?
Timing and distance are not that tight. You just need to be a little bit separated. I just manually move one at a time. I tend to prefer doing a lot of things manually vs. trying to automate stuff.
10-27-2012, 01:28 PM
I would love to see a video of how people handle the Sha of Doubt on Heroic. I have tried a few things including the strats above but I can't seem to get out of the second phase.
10-27-2012, 02:55 PM
I would love to see a video of how people handle the Sha of Doubt on Heroic. I have tried a few things including the strats above but I can't seem to get out of the second phase.
i keep grouped up and tab target with my tank until they all are dead ( the clone/shadows ) using AE attacks.
01-07-2013, 02:29 PM
I know this kind of an old thread, but maybe someone can give me some pointers :]. Currently running this instance with my team (prot pally, Resto shammy, Arcane mage, 2x Elemental Shammy), they are level 85. I got the first two bosses down, quite easily. But I can't get past the third boss. As soon as she summons the dragon I get wiped. My team get's own by the fire on the ground, it does too much damage (or I'm responding too slow ...).
Are there any tricks to this boss?
01-07-2013, 04:01 PM
I know this kind of an old thread, but maybe someone can give me some pointers :]. Currently running this instance with my team (prot pally, Resto shammy, Arcane mage, 2x Elemental Shammy), they are level 85. I got the first two bosses down, quite easily. But I can't get past the third boss. As soon as she summons the dragon I get wiped. My team get's own by the fire on the ground, it does too much damage (or I'm responding too slow ...).
Are there any tricks to this boss?
Its probably just a gear/level issue for you. I failed at 85 but succeeded at 86 with my 5 druid team.
01-18-2013, 04:19 AM
Got the Temple down at 86, but I generally try to avoid anything after Ook-Ook in the brewery, going to watch your video when I get home today, maybe it helps :].
01-19-2013, 04:10 PM
For a melee team Liu is quite easy if you have a healer than can throw up some type of hots. I just back peddle on my tank around the room and take almost no damage.
07-17-2013, 12:31 PM
I didn't see a thread for this, so here's one.
My team is only level 86, so this is just for normal, but I'm happy enough that I've got the fights down.
My techniques:
Wise Mari: Kill the spawns and then run your team up to the wall behind Mari and just eat the water blast & heal up (hard at 85 with fresh 372ish gear, easy at 86 with 390+ gear). If you can't manage to heal through it, you can have your team run in circles (avoiding the water if you can) and nuke, healing as you get a chance. Takes forever that way, but it's doable.
2nd boss will be luck of the draw: Each time I basically just nuked them and healed through it. First time was at 85 with an average ilvl of 372 for my team, second time was at 86 with 390 average.
3rd boss: Position your DPS & Heals so that they avoid the waves that spawn and burn the boss down until it becomes a dragon. Move your team out of the void zones the dragon will spawn and burn it down. This fight is hard if you are fresh 85, but really easy when you have some gear and a level.
4th and final boss: This one I could not do at 85 because my DPS just wasn't good enough and killing the boss required me to not make any mistakes on debuffing, stop DPSing to heal, and etc. Also, this boss seemed to aggro right as my character crossed into the room, causing the door to close and sometimes locking characters out. So, my strategy for the Sha of Doubt is:
1) Pull it into the courtyard in front of the boss room, causing it to de-spawn.
2) Once the boss has de-spawned, run my team into its room and position them in a clump wherever convenient, and wait for it to re-spawn.
3) Nuke the boss, and be sure to IMMEDIATELY dispel the debuff it casts on one of your teammates.
4) The boss will disappear and summon adds - one for each of your party. You should be in a clump and just AoE burn them down ASAP; if you don't, they can explode (hurting you and healing the boss)
5) Repeat 3 and 4, collect loot when done.
Thanks so much for the tips on the first boss.. was very easy at lvl 85 in 375-380 item level. I'm running x2 Destro locks, x1 Ele shaman, x1 BM Hunter and a holy Pala which I play up front.. pets tank np.. rest of instance was a breeze.
I also managed Brewery place.. lost 1 toon on last pack of adds before last boss, but was able to rez her.
09-03-2013, 05:39 AM
My team cleared heroic today (4 DKs, 1 shaman), One blood, the shaman is resto. My gear is 454 with mostly pvp.
Wise Mari:
P1, Simply kill the spawns and don't stand in the puddles.
P2, Standing in the water does damage, his wave does damage. My dps died early on but since there's no pressure the tank was able to solo it.
That's the problem with melee's, if there is bad stuff around the boss and you can't move it around; also melee's tend to wander about; generally speaking I don't see to use melee's for pve while multiboxing, besides of course the tank.
On the contrary for BG's PVP (since follow is broken) I would use melee, cause of the IWT behavior. Not optimal but can work.
09-03-2013, 05:54 AM
That's the problem with melee's, if there is bad stuff around the boss and you can't move it around; also melee's tend to wander about; generally speaking I don't see to use melee's for pve while multiboxing, besides of course the tank.
On the contrary for BG's PVP (since follow is broken) I would use melee, cause of the IWT behavior. Not optimal but can work.
I have no issue with melee for PvE. I prefer it because all my toons are in one place so I don't need to look 40 yards behind me to see who's standing in what. I just strafe and move everyone. Plus, everyone is always in range for AOE healing or jumping heals. I rarely have runaways because I use manual IWT and don't spam it with every keypress and my DPS key includes "micro movement (" which automatically stops runaways if they do happen.
I also have the ability to DPS on the move with my melee team, so I don't need to stand still to do damage like I did with most of my ranged teams.
09-03-2013, 09:18 AM
> I rarely have runaways because I use manual IWT and don't spam it with every keypress...
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