View Full Version : MoP dungeons collected - WIP

04-27-2012, 01:22 AM
Just thought I'd start up a thread for the current MoP dungeons and how they are looking/progressing in terms of being boxable from the start, perhaps as a way for leveling up away from the crowds in initial launch.

Temple of the Jade Serpent

Wise Mari - Not sure how boxable this will be given lag and facing requirements in phase 2. Shaman with glyph of lightning may be good here for dps so they can keep nuking while running, or have runspeed enchants on any class to get far enough ahead of the water stream to give you time to nuke before having to run again. That said, I have seen a paladin solo it down so might be a case of blowing dps cooldowns to do burst and then let them die and finish it off with your tank
Strife/Anger or Monk - Either of these look pretty boxable as mainly tank'n'spank with healing check
Lui - Again looks to be good for boxing as long as you can control slaves to move out of waves path or dragon trails
Sha of Doubt - Easily boxable as long as you can do good aoe for phase 2 and are quick with removing the curse.

Stormstout Brewery

Ook-Ook - Not sure how boxable this will be without outgearing it due to the random barrels and having to constantly shift slaves. This may be one to keep slaves on follow but there will still be latency issues for both the barrels and running through Ook to avoid his frontal cone attack.
Gauntlet - Shouldn't be too bad with master grabbing the hammers
Hoptalius - Whirlwind looks avoidable, carrot breath looks more avoidable than Mari's water, likely have to have slaves follow in the bunny phases while main grabs hammer and kills the vermin. If the hammers last indefinitely then this will be a lot easier as you just get all characters to pick up one during the gauntlet and spam it as needed in the aoe phase
Yan-Zhu - Could be an issue getting everyone into the bubbles for phase 2 but other than that a simple tank'n'spank

09-25-2012, 05:29 AM
Suns was basically a tank and spank. Twins was indeed a healer almost oom fight the first time, additional attempts were simple enough.
Wise Mari - stack team against the opposite door. plenty of space to clear p1 adds and still in range of boss for p2. bosses water stream isn't a 1-hit k/o, and is heal-able.
Lui- as it says in OP. make sure projected textures are on. waves seem to always go towards the corners of the room.
Sha- stacking the whole team together on the tank seemed to work fine. Left alts on follow to face boss or mobs at the right time.

ook-ook. as you enter the room, there is a fake door to your left. stack toons in there and face outwards. then when you pull the boss, position him to get hit by barrels rolling towards your toons. Fight becomes tanknspank. I'll get a screenshot and upload it to better explain.
gauntlet - as in OP
Hoptalius - stack toons on the left side ( as you enter) tank boss away from toons and whirlwind and breath become almost non-issues. tank close to the right hand side to make hammering mob spawns easy. spank him.

above is normal dungeons.

09-26-2012, 12:11 AM
Did both of these instances yesterday with 4 elemental shamans and 1 blood DK! You can ignore most of the tactics and just zerg your way through it. Gives good XP and gets you pretty good loot :) I'll update in this post when i lvl up and do more dungeons in MoP

09-26-2012, 01:50 AM
The Sha of Doubt was quite hard for me yesterday. Took me about 5 or 6 tries yesterday to get him down. The group were 4 Eles and a Warri Tank. The debuff is magic or am i wrong? Otherwise stupid me ... could have dispelled that. I always had problems killing the adds, because of me not able to use earthquake (no mouse broadcasting) ... The final taktik was to shuffle around and nuke them one by one. Other than that ... most of the bosses so far are only tank and spank.

09-26-2012, 05:07 AM
@Barazanthul (http://www.dual-boxing.com/members/24833-Barazanthul) . yeah its a magic debuff. you'll need a rsham to dispel it. Use chain lightning spam for the adds. they go down like a knife through butter.

09-26-2012, 05:09 AM
I just pop healing tide + healing rain when I get the debuff! You can easily ding 86-87 with these 2 dungeons

09-26-2012, 07:40 AM
Glad to hear this 8) Should be 86 and in quest greens first i imagine?

09-26-2012, 08:22 AM
@Lyonheart: I walked into the instances with 85 and mostly PvP gear. My main had some DS Hero items. My Tank was in full offgear with sword, shield and in tank specc. So it is not really hard. Only the Shaa is hard .... the rest is mostly tank and spank.

09-26-2012, 08:24 AM
I did not play much in Cata, i played a lot of teams to 85 but never geared most of them up. My shamies have about 70% of season 10 BG gear. I'll give it a shot though.

09-26-2012, 09:11 AM
The questgreens in the starting zone are ilvl 372 and the blues are 400+. So if you are struggeling too hard, just make the first quests. In addition beeing ranged is a big bonus, because i think several bosses are very meele unfriendly.

09-26-2012, 09:39 AM
I've had no problems beside the last boss in jade serpent. First time he was very easy, but I think it's different what kind of buffs he got. The waller with adds was harder then my first atleast, only bubbles and walls...

edit: Just got to him a 3rd time, this is def. RNG. Wall thing, bubbles and zleep. God that's awefull if you don't have all keybindings put up :D

09-26-2012, 10:22 AM
Stormstout Brewery

Ook-Ook - Not sure how boxable this will be without outgearing it due to the random barrels and having to constantly shift slaves. This may be one to keep slaves on follow but there will still be latency issues for both the barrels and running through Ook to avoid his frontal cone attack.
Gauntlet - Shouldn't be too bad with master grabbing the hammers
Hoptalius - Whirlwind looks avoidable, carrot breath looks more avoidable than Mari's water, likely have to have slaves follow in the bunny phases while main grabs hammer and kills the vermin. If the hammers last indefinitely then this will be a lot easier as you just get all characters to pick up one during the gauntlet and spam it as needed in the aoe phase
Yan-Zhu - Could be an issue getting everyone into the bubbles for phase 2 but other than that a simple tank'n'spank

Ook-Ook is pretty easy if you can get all your slaves stacked on the 4th and 5th plank from the door, in front of the boss. Then just turn him around and dps till you're bored. The barrels will come close but there are a few spots they never hit.

09-26-2012, 10:49 AM
Ook-Ook is pretty easy if you can get all your slaves stacked on the 4th and 5th plank from the door, in front of the boss. Then just turn him around and dps till you're bored. The barrels will come close but there are a few spots they never hit.

Noticed this awell. Never got hit on my first go on the boss, but the second time I got hit several times. It doesn't do much dmg anyway!

09-26-2012, 12:22 PM
Ook-Ook is ont the bossess i did on beta On hc mode with 5 warlocks very easy when you stand in the right place :)

09-26-2012, 05:47 PM
ook-ook is ont the bossess i did on beta on hc mode with 5 warlocks very easy when you stand in the right place :)

videos plox!

09-26-2012, 07:55 PM
Been farming both instances today. Getting brewery prolly 85% of the time, kind of sad with the last boss being total wipefest if you get wrong combinations. Jade temple thingy so much easier!

09-28-2012, 02:59 AM
So dinged 87 yesterday and tried the two new instances. The one with the weaponmaster (Mogu'shan Palace) was okay ... only thing was don't stand in funny things. But the Shado-Pan Monastery was okay ... only the last boss is a bitch. I failed to kill the orbs all the time. That is the biggest thing you have to do. So far, the instances are quite caster boxer friendly.

09-28-2012, 03:14 AM
Its good to see that the instances arnt uber hard for boxing like cata ones where

09-28-2012, 07:49 AM
Sha was kicking my ass.. 13K bad dps? seems like he was never going down!

09-28-2012, 09:00 AM

i don't know how much dps i did, when i downed him ... but i normally only got two clone phases on the sha. After some new makros i am doing 20k dps on my shamans, which is not that much for a 5 man instance.

09-28-2012, 09:06 AM

i don't know how much dps i did, when i downed him ... but i normally only got two clone phases on the sha. After some new makros i am doing 20k dps on my shamans, which is not that much for a 5 man instance.

I'm way under that 8( i need to work on my dps..what setup you using? two step? piority?

09-28-2012, 01:29 PM
I quit boxing during Cata and my item level was like 340 (Guardian Druid & 4x Shaman). I did a few quests at the MOP starting areas until my item level was high enough to queue for the first instance, since then I've done nothing but grind instances. Level 88 and I've cleared Temple of the Jade Serpent, Stormstout Brewery, Mogu'Shan Palace and Shado-pan Monastery.

The only boss that was challenging is the last boss from Monastery. Once I hotkey'd the special action button and figured out where to tank the boss so the orbs spawn in a better position, it's easy. Averaging around 900k-1.2m per run plus a decent bit of gold. Much faster than questing. Protip: If you get any level 84-ish greens with decent stats - don't DE them. Put them on AH. I've sold 20+ on AH for 500 each in the last 2 days. They have better stats than most of the 5man Cata gear, so people that just hit 85 and want to start questing in MOP will pay for them!

Ook-Ook is pretty easy if you can get all your slaves stacked on the 4th and 5th plank from the door, in front of the boss. Then just turn him around and dps till you're bored. The barrels will come close but there are a few spots they never hit.

Put your healer and DPS in the doorway on the left. Tank the boss directly infront of it and angle him diagonally across, facing towards the wall (so his shockwave doesn't hit your team) and you literally don't have to move at all. All the barrels hit the boss instead of your team. I don't even bother moving my tank out of the stun anymore, since he does like no damage.

Been farming both instances today. Getting brewery prolly 85% of the time, kind of sad with the last boss being total wipefest if you get wrong combinations. Jade temple thingy so much easier!

For the last boss of Brewery, I put a Shaman on each corner of the centre square (to avoid AoE damage and the knockback from bloated) . I made a keymap in ISBoxer to jump on all toons and bound it to one of the programmable keys on my G15 (with toggle on/off). Turning on the jump macro removes the stun debuff and avoids the waves 99% of the time. The only time you need to stop is if it's the version with the bubble shields, in which case you stop jumping and spam chain lightning a few times and then turn jump back on. Just need to make sure you switch to the adds immediately so they don't heal the boss. Very easy if you set everything up properly.

Let me know if anyone needs pointers on any of the bosses. They're all pretty faceroll once you get the strats down.

09-28-2012, 06:30 PM
Some videos would be sweet!

09-28-2012, 06:51 PM
Just done first 2 with paladin, resto shaman and 3 ele shaman.

Just my take on what i did.
Wise mari, kill 4 ads.. run around boss inner circle, stop, dps, run when his wave gets near, repeat.
Lorewalker stonestep, tank and spank for me. chain lightning the 4 suns, same with ads that spawn after then nuke boss.
Liu Flameheart, easy until she turns into a dragon then got a little messy with all the green stuff on the floor but not wiped.
Sha of doubt, dispell debuff nuke until ads come then chain lightning them, rinse repeat

Ook-Ook - easiest boss so far if you place your toons in the doorway to left they avoided all damage then just tank and spank.
Hoptallus, painful part was getting to the boss with all the ads that kept coming - nuke boss chain lightning ads.
Yan-Zhu - not sure what was going on with this boss tbh. I need to look into his abilities, sometimes my toons wernt doing anything but still easy fight just took awhile to kill him

Hopefully they are all going to be easy and not like cata when we got blackrock caverns and then throne of tides came along : /
next up at 87 will be Mogu'shan Palace and Shado-Pan Monastery

09-29-2012, 09:48 AM
Some videos would be sweet!


09-29-2012, 09:52 AM
I've cleared both Mogu'sha and up until last bos in Shado-Pan Monastary. The last boss there is just a pita, it'd doable with spesific macro's for it I guess, but i cba while leveling to do that.

09-29-2012, 11:44 AM
I've cleared both Mogu'sha and up until last bos in Shado-Pan Monastary. The last boss there is just a pita, it'd doable with spesific macro's for it I guess, but i cba while leveling to do that.

You don't need specific macros, you just need to bind "use special action button 1".

Two tips I found useful
1: Pull the boss to the wall over to the left and position him so he's facing your team. This will cause him to spawn the orbs infront of your team so you can kill them faster.
2: There's a rhythm to the fight. He AoE's. He summons orbs. He casts hateful strikes (or whatever it's called). Kill orbs, then immediately meditate on all your toons while he's AoEing. Once you get used to the sequence (and assuming you can switch to orbs fast enough) it's not so bad.

09-29-2012, 12:31 PM
You don't need specific macros, you just need to bind "use special action button 1".

Two tips I found useful
1: Pull the boss to the wall over to the left and position him so he's facing your team. This will cause him to spawn the orbs infront of your team so you can kill them faster.
2: There's a rhythm to the fight. He AoE's. He summons orbs. He casts hateful strikes (or whatever it's called). Kill orbs, then immediately meditate on all your toons while he's AoEing. Once you get used to the sequence (and assuming you can switch to orbs fast enough) it's not so bad.
Sounds easy when you say it! Thanks for the tip about meditate button, that will make it so much easier!
On a side note, quite happy with my first heroic:

09-29-2012, 03:22 PM
Nice! I haven't even started heroics yet. Still trying to grind out 89-90. Then I'll probably have to grind some factions to get my item level high enough to queue.

I uploaded a video to show how I do Taran Zhu!


09-30-2012, 09:18 PM
My group is all Lvl 88 and ilvl 404ish (purely quest gear nothing else), to early for Mogu'shan Palace normal? LOL it seems like it as I'm getting my butt handed to me on first encounter, ouch.

09-30-2012, 11:02 PM
Ok, this forum is really supposed to be one thread per encounter, not one thread per expansion. It was fine as a beta discussion as to what we should expect, but we're live now. I have to lock this before it becomes a monster thread of 40 different discussions. Please start individual threads per instance.