02-17-2011, 05:50 AM
Hello all,
I've stoped playing wow in march last , but I'm back once again :-)
At the moment I'm just playing solo because I don't have enough time yet to start boxing again (with my pala + 4 shaman team).
But that'll change in a month or something, so I'm already starting to ponder on what i'm going to do when I hit 85 :-)
Ofcourse I'm going to try to do some heroics and gear up and stuff, but I also love to do old content.
And with cata out, it looks like a lot of old content is boxable like BT, Onixyia, ...
But I haven't seen any topics about Ulduar. And this was my favorite raid in Wotlk so I was thinking if this could be done!?
Here's the list of bosses and some comments on what I think can or can't be done:
The Siege of Ulduar
Flame Leviathan (
- I have no idea on how to do this one.. this could be a major setback because if I always have to call in a friend whenever I want to do Ulduar.. could suck. Any idea's on this one?
Ignis the Furnace Master (
- Don't think this one will be a problem at all, all casters in the middle, tank him at the water, deal with the adds,...
Razorscale (
- Tank & Spank and burst him down as soon as he lands.
XT-002 Deconstructor (
- Tank & Spank and ignore the adds?
The Antechamber of Ulduar
Assembly of Iron (
- No idea if this can be done at all without 2 tanks.. Maybe with 4 elementals out tanking 1 or 2 of the bosses and burning the third one down?
Kologarn (
- Don't think this one will be too hard aswell, not sure how much dmg those beams do, if it's not too much, just ignore and burn him down
Auriaya (
- Shouldn't be a pain, just stack dps + healer behind the tanks, tremor totem, ignore the adds.
The Keepers of Ulduar
Freya (
- Can't remember this fight like the rest, but I think this shouldn't be too hard if you handle the adds + run to the mushrooms.
Hodir (
- Free the npc's, burn him down while jumping once in a while to avoid too much stacks of the debuff, all run to the frost spots when they hit and you'll be fine.
Mimiron (
- don't think this fight will be too hard with ranged dps, but haven't done this boss a lot.
Thorim (
- This one will be impossible? You have to split your group in 2, but how? Any idea's on this one? Because this is driving me insane :P
The Descent into Madness
General Vezax (
- Havn't done him
Yogg-Saron (
- Havn't done him
Celestial Planetarium
Algalon the Observer (
- Havn't done him
Thats my 2 cents about these bosses, now I would like to hear yours :-)
I've stoped playing wow in march last , but I'm back once again :-)
At the moment I'm just playing solo because I don't have enough time yet to start boxing again (with my pala + 4 shaman team).
But that'll change in a month or something, so I'm already starting to ponder on what i'm going to do when I hit 85 :-)
Ofcourse I'm going to try to do some heroics and gear up and stuff, but I also love to do old content.
And with cata out, it looks like a lot of old content is boxable like BT, Onixyia, ...
But I haven't seen any topics about Ulduar. And this was my favorite raid in Wotlk so I was thinking if this could be done!?
Here's the list of bosses and some comments on what I think can or can't be done:
The Siege of Ulduar
Flame Leviathan (
- I have no idea on how to do this one.. this could be a major setback because if I always have to call in a friend whenever I want to do Ulduar.. could suck. Any idea's on this one?
Ignis the Furnace Master (
- Don't think this one will be a problem at all, all casters in the middle, tank him at the water, deal with the adds,...
Razorscale (
- Tank & Spank and burst him down as soon as he lands.
XT-002 Deconstructor (
- Tank & Spank and ignore the adds?
The Antechamber of Ulduar
Assembly of Iron (
- No idea if this can be done at all without 2 tanks.. Maybe with 4 elementals out tanking 1 or 2 of the bosses and burning the third one down?
Kologarn (
- Don't think this one will be too hard aswell, not sure how much dmg those beams do, if it's not too much, just ignore and burn him down
Auriaya (
- Shouldn't be a pain, just stack dps + healer behind the tanks, tremor totem, ignore the adds.
The Keepers of Ulduar
Freya (
- Can't remember this fight like the rest, but I think this shouldn't be too hard if you handle the adds + run to the mushrooms.
Hodir (
- Free the npc's, burn him down while jumping once in a while to avoid too much stacks of the debuff, all run to the frost spots when they hit and you'll be fine.
Mimiron (
- don't think this fight will be too hard with ranged dps, but haven't done this boss a lot.
Thorim (
- This one will be impossible? You have to split your group in 2, but how? Any idea's on this one? Because this is driving me insane :P
The Descent into Madness
General Vezax (
- Havn't done him
Yogg-Saron (
- Havn't done him
Celestial Planetarium
Algalon the Observer (
- Havn't done him
Thats my 2 cents about these bosses, now I would like to hear yours :-)