View Full Version : Cata - Heroic Shadowfang Keep

12-17-2010, 03:41 AM
I just downed Baron Ashbury in heroic with my 4x shaman and 1x druid tank (1 of the shaman is resto). It took me a good 10 tries to get it down.

This fight requires some perfect interrupts.

I made a macro on all my shamans that was
/cast wind shear

and put it on round robin in ISBOXER with a .7 second "do not advance to the next step" (So I could spam it without using up all the wind shears)

you basically put your guys on the stairs and tank him at the bottom in the main room.

Anytime you see him cast anything besides his strangulate, you wind shear him immediately. You can spam the key a few times because it will only hit it once if you have it setup in ISBoxer like I have.

When he strangulates you and brings your party down to like 1 health, spam your stone claw totem and go back to DPS ing. Don't worry about healing your whole party up, the healing streams should be fine. My guys were at like 30% health almost the whole time until the boss was near 1 min hps.

Now for the hard part...
when he closes in on 1 mil health, he turns into a demon and just AOEs everyone. So before he's near 1 mil health, make sure everyone is topped off or close to it.

Once he starts to turn into a demon, you need to cast hero and just blast the crap out of him, blow all CDs and throw a heal or two in their to make sure your group is kept alive.

If you do everything perfectly, you'll kill him. My tank died right at the end when he had like 20k left, but the dps where still all good to go.


12-17-2010, 05:13 AM
thats awesome.. gratz from denmark

12-17-2010, 09:34 PM
Just downed the second boss in heroic - he's very easy, Baron Silverlaine. It was a rare 1-shot for me.

He just summons a wargen add at 75%, 50% and 25%. Just offtank them and kill them when the come out, for the first two, then ignore the one and 25%, hit hero and burn the boss down.


12-18-2010, 08:26 PM
Just completed Heroic Shadowfang Keep. First and second bosses super easy, Springvale kind of challenging, tank him in the hallway before you get to the room so you can easily pick up the adds, put your slaves in the middle of the hallway, just eat the desecration and the flame breaths, kill the adds as they spawn so they don't heal Springvale. Fourth boss not bad, move during the green poison, stay still for the red, dodge the ice crap. Last boss is free loot, dodge the bullet thing, kill the adds as they spawn, just one chain lightning from my 3 dps shaman killed them all, cleanse the curses then loot.

Edit: I 5boxed him with a Prot Pally, Resto Shaman and 3x Elemental Shaman just in case anybody was wondering what my composition was.

12-19-2010, 02:55 PM
Thanks for the tips Reprisal, that really helped out, and I finally finished it. Thanks!


The second to last boss was tough, I wiped 4 times or so. You really need to shake off the poison quick and keep your guys topped off.

And I also skipped the Captain guy.

But I think Shadowfang is a great heroic, and might be the easiest one to do now.

12-19-2010, 06:08 PM
Rep and I smashed heroic SFK together then both 5 boxed it the next day. This is a very good zone for people to farm their chaos orbs for their tanks and what not.

12-19-2010, 07:43 PM
Nice work guys, most pug's fail miserably at that fight, glad to hear some boxxers basically have it on farm.

12-19-2010, 09:27 PM
Yeah, just one shot every boss about an hour ago. My tank now has 4 epic pieces of gear making it pretty easy, You still have to stay on the ball because it's really easy to mess up and wipe, especially on the first and fourth bosses.

12-20-2010, 07:44 AM
I will give it a try with my team. Although my team's configuration is different from yours (prot pal, destro warlock, arcane mage, elemental shaman, disc/holy priest). 4 shamans would have more healing power with totems so hmm... could prove a challenge. Maybe I have to think about leveling more variety of classes :S

12-20-2010, 12:12 PM
Yeah, just one shot every boss about an hour ago. My tank now has 4 epic pieces of gear making it pretty easy, You still have to stay on the ball because it's really easy to mess up and wipe, especially on the first and fourth bosses.

Are your epics rep epics? Can you link pls?

12-20-2010, 01:31 PM
Here's a link to his tank:


Congrats, man. I am so glad to see that people are finishing heroics. I just spent a frustrating weekend on some and finally gave up. I ran a few solo with PUGs, which was mostly a disaster.

My tank is a druid as well, so I see you ran into the same problem finding good boots :). For reference, here's my tank:


I'll try to give HSFK a try. Maybe I'll have better luck :).

12-20-2010, 03:18 PM
Here's a link to his tank:


Congrats, man. I am so glad to see that people are finishing heroics. I just spent a frustrating weekend on some and finally gave up. I ran a few solo with PUGs, which was mostly a disaster.

My tank is a druid as well, so I see you ran into the same problem finding good boots :). For reference, here's my tank:


I'll try to give HSFK a try. Maybe I'll have better luck :).

So here is a "DUH" moment for me, I was looking at all the reforging on the gear and went "oh yeah, I can change some of the stats now" LMAO

12-20-2010, 04:23 PM
So here is a "DUH" moment for me, I was looking at all the reforging on the gear and went "oh yeah, I can change some of the stats now" LMAO
Yeah...actually the whole thing is pretty time consuming. After I got to 85 I literally spent HOURS reforging, gemming, and enchanting for my team. It is so much to manage. In fact one thing that maybe isn't obvious to us playing multiple toons is that some items that would otherwise be inappropriate for your character but available (like a rep reward) can be reforged into something useful. For example there's a spirit cloak that was great for my holy priest and ele shaman, but no good for my lock and mage until I realized that I could reforge half the spirit into something else!

12-20-2010, 05:48 PM
Ok, maybe I'm missing something here, but I am having some serious problems with the 3rd boss. I tank him in the hallway, pick up the adds and burn them down, and get back on the boss. That part is easy.

The problem is, he does a TON of damage to my tank, and the healer just cannot keep up. Also, the DPS start getting low on mana, and he'll only be down to about 65% health. My Mage pulls around 9.5K DPS and the Shamen do about 8.5K. Everyone is in a minimum of 333 gear, but alot of 346/359 gear as well.

I have been able to kill about 7 Heroic bosses now, but this guy is just destroying me.

Any thoughts?

Oh, and group comp is Blood DK, Holy Paladin, 2x Elemental Shaman, 1x Arcane Mage.

12-20-2010, 05:56 PM
Springvale is by far the toughest in that instance, imho (walden requires a bit of luck)...

The adds he summons HAVE to be burned down fast and you HAVE to interrupt the Unholy Empowerment (if it goes off it's a 4% heal on Springvale and gives him and unholy charge, and I think the heal is the worst part). I thank him about halfway down the stairs with my bear's butt in the wall to the right, so I don't have to worry about a mob getting that 1 degree to my side and being unable to dodge. And then I'm constantly tabbing (like every 2 seconds to pick up and taunt the add, burn him down, interrupt, and get back on the boss). You can also move out of his descration if you find mana to be an issue... I do not because I find that I'll miss an add since they seem to be random spawns and then I'm eating back attacks.

12-20-2010, 06:36 PM
One thing I'm considering doing is making CC macros specifically for that fight. Something like:

/target Jerky Mcdouchebag
/cast polymorph


/target Dickwad dingleberry
/cast Hex

And just spam those as soon as he calls his adds, this way I can take care of them individually.

12-20-2010, 06:37 PM
Undead mobs.

No poly.
No hex.

Only pally & priest cc on those.

Yes, it makes me sad too.

I did make those hex macros for the Lady Naj'zar fight however.

12-20-2010, 06:42 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I forgot they were undead.

Maybe a Turn Evil on the Paladin?

12-20-2010, 06:49 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I forgot they were undead.

Maybe a Turn Evil on the Paladin?

Yeah. And shackle from a priest... that's it for cc on the undead. But if you're having issues with healing, using the holy pally to cc might not be a good idea unless you have it glyphed. I'm also not a huge fan of fear as a cc since they can come back and hide in walls.

Pesky mobs.

P.S. You can just skip him until you've got better gear. Walden is a PITA.

12-20-2010, 08:03 PM
My elemental shamans do around 11k dps on that fight and the pally pulls about 7, then the 4 fire elementals pull around another 10k dps so I'm not having to hard of a time with it, but I can see how it could be a pain. My shamans are all around 335, the tank is now 345 from the blacksmith crafting epics and rep gear. Took me two tries earlier today, but I spent to much mana at the start. Pally tank can holy wrath when the adds come, not sure about dks. I geared my dk to a 5400 gearscore in wotlk and still didn't like him so i switched to a paladin. I also use a cooldown every time a group of adds come. Do whatever ability you have to regain mana whenever it comes up, i just spam riptide and two healing waves on my shaman, healing surge when i absolutely have to and only after a riptide so it has an increased chance to crit.

12-20-2010, 08:58 PM
You can always skip the 3rd boss, I did. The 4th boss, and final boss are a lot easier.

12-20-2010, 10:50 PM
Pull the 3rd boss all the way back to the courtyard. You only need to kill 1 set of ads. Rest won't bug you and then it's just tank & spank. Position your dps at courtyard first, go pull him with tank+ healer.

12-23-2010, 08:03 PM
Pull the 3rd boss all the way back to the courtyard. You only need to kill 1 set of ads. Rest won't bug you and then it's just tank & spank. Position your dps at courtyard first, go pull him with tank+ healer.

You are the BEST, thanks for that strat, it worked awesome!!!!

12-24-2010, 03:34 AM
Before starting my tests on Shadowfang keep heroic just a few questions:

1. How much DPS do you need per toon for each encounter? currently my toons are doing 7k~8k dps without bloodlust. They are still gearing up on normals (Bad drop rate...) and needs gemming aswell for some.

2. For the first boss, how many intterupters do you need? I have an elemental shaman and Mage and if needed I can put all my slaves near the boss since 4/5 of my chars are bloodelf and can use their ratials to interrupt.

I am currently trying to finish off my gearing for all my toons and if possible get at least 1 rep to exalted for cataclysm factions. Most of my toons are around 330~333 gear now, and well if you can give tips on gearing and maybe talent (although I did my own research on talents and macros on this forum) would apretiate it.

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/colinas-pardas/riris/simple Pala Tank
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/colinas-pardas/pharis/simple Priest Healer
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/colinas-pardas/ellanor/simple Mage
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/colinas-pardas/ellenoah/simple Warlock
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/colinas-pardas/theor/simple Shaman

12-24-2010, 03:56 AM
1 interrupt is fine
8 k dps no sockets is fine

12-24-2010, 06:24 AM
1 interrupt will make life very difficult here on the first boss. If you are running 4 shamans and a tank the instance isn't too bad since you get 4 interrupts. Any other combo makes it a little tougher.

The key to the fight is interrupting at the right time so he doesn't heal too much. Don't forget that after the asphyxiation he brings you to 1 HP so have a way to quickly heal yourself so you can interrupt him ASAP. Again, healing totems do wonders here so if you have those you're all set.

Your dps is fine. I was somewhere around 6k to 7k during fights and had nothing but blues on initially for the first clear. You should be able to do it np.

Be ready with the second interrupt. A lot of times he will siphon life that you should interrupt, then immediately mend himself. That is the one to make sure you get or the fight lasts too long and you go oom.

I posted a vid yesterday of when I was in blues doing it. Seeing it might help some.

Good luck.


12-24-2010, 01:26 PM
Managed to clear with my team including the captain. although the effort it takes its really not worth doing him, and I am only missing the cloak for the healer. First boss was very easy. I just let him strangle, and heal 2 ticks before interrupt, top the tank a bit, making sure I interrupt the 50% and 33% mend rotten flesh. 2nd boss was also a cake, captain was a pain, despite the fact that I used the pulling trick. Yes my dps was not high enough and adds will still keep comming if your dps is low. I used the pet pull with my warlock using the void walker. (yes it got instant gibbed but well... did the trick)

4th boss I wiped a couple of times untill I found out how to dance around... I just moved the slaves left and right and the tank kept jumping which works aswell. Last boss I Just dpsed him down decursing and healing those who got hit by cursed bullet.

All in all skipping the 3rd boss it should be quite doable.

12-24-2010, 01:49 PM
1 interrupt will make life very difficult here on the first boss. If you are running 4 shamans and a tank the instance isn't too bad since you get 4 interrupts. Any other combo makes it a little tougher.

The key to the fight is interrupting at the right time so he doesn't heal too much. Don't forget that after the asphyxiation he brings you to 1 HP so have a way to quickly heal yourself so you can interrupt him ASAP. Again, healing totems do wonders here so if you have those you're all set.

Your dps is fine. I was somewhere around 6k to 7k during fights and had nothing but blues on initially for the first clear. You should be able to do it np.

Be ready with the second interrupt. A lot of times he will siphon life that you should interrupt, then immediately mend himself. That is the one to make sure you get or the fight lasts too long and you go oom.

I posted a vid yesterday of when I was in blues doing it. Seeing it might help some.

Good luck.


You can do it with one interrupt. Two is Ideal. You only need to interrupt his heal after 2 ticks and mend rotting flesh. Pain and suffering can just be dispelled.

12-26-2010, 01:52 AM
You can do it with one interrupt. Two is Ideal. You only need to interrupt his heal after 2 ticks and mend rotting flesh. Pain and suffering can just be dispelled.

The last boss was impossible with my group setup. I had kicksome help me by adding his two shaman who could chain lightning, thunderstorm, and magma the ghouls that spawn. With my group I could not kill them fast enough and the healing debuff owned my tank. The only thing I can try next is to mouse broadcast the lock and mage aoe spells and hope that kills them. I think thats my only way to down that boss at the end.

12-29-2010, 02:17 PM
Nothing is impossible. Use your channeled aoe's on the ghouls. Or get closer and use Hellfire/Arcane blast. You can do it. Hell single target kill them if you have to. This guy isn't that hard long as you have a decurse (which you do).

12-29-2010, 11:34 PM
Could anyone clarify the dance you do for the fourth boss

you can`t strafe back and forth over a tight spot... i`m guessing circling around the room is the goal

12-30-2010, 01:42 AM
I just spread my slaves out in the previous room (as shown in one of the movies here on the site) so only one of them would get hit at a time with any of the bosses poison/frost. This also reduced the damage from the Ice shards and ended up making most of the fight fairly trivial. I only had to heal one or two toons at a time. Jump for the green poison and don't move during the red poison. I burned bloodlust just after finishing with one of the mystery poisons to make sure i didn't waste it all jumping.

12-31-2010, 01:16 PM
Okay #4 boss is actually pretty easy.... just got to strafe back and forth a bit further, like halfway across the room and back, then just circle around him on you tank.

I'm beginning to wonder how much easier these instances would be with dot/hot strong classes. Like Druid Healer and 3 warlocks with pets. (I'm running Prot Pally, 2 Enh Shammies, 1 Arc Mage, and a Disc Priest).

02-21-2011, 08:52 AM
cant say i would call godfrey a easy fight.. any other ideas.. best was 75%.

02-22-2011, 05:08 PM

02-24-2011, 01:41 PM
Thanks for the tip, Dorffo. Often my brain is slightly fried by the time that I get to the last boss and I had yet to come up with a good strategy. What I had been doing is forming a small circle and then moving the one guy out of the way when he faces them for the pistol barrage. I have found this to be difficult and inconsistent, although ultimately it does work. It also causes me to often miss the cursed bullets cast.

Anyway, I'll give that a shot, because it sounds much simpler and more consistent than what I have been doing.

02-28-2011, 06:19 PM
1st boss, just keep track of aggro, since this is pretty much a tank and spank fight pay attention to aggro from dps
otherwise just heal and interupt.

2nd tank spank nothing to it

3rd stay in room, pulling him out seems to buff him with crazy dps, he one shot me after patch if i dont tank him in the room, in the room he was cake, keep your team (if you have all range) at the oposite side of the room whre boss is facing, taunt adds when they are inc and kill them, move out of aoe when he drops it, always keep him face away from team so his cone spell dont hit them, tank can just walk thro him when this happens, perhaps this is a tank gear check fight if you cant keep tank alive some gear check is advisable.

4th bit tricky but once you get it its very easy, DISPELLS is a must or you die, if you cant dispell your team you fail, anyway during poison spray thing just jump to clear, during ICE just run with team where there is no ice, 2nd poison you MUST DISPELL, during FIRE just keep team alive with AOE heals.

1st time i killed him was a mess but i solotanked him from 2mil hp till dead with paladin, rediciolus but true took 5 mins but wth :)

last boss, if you have range just park all on 1st ledge and then tank him in the pit below, barrage will not hit anyone, dps ghouls and keep cursed shot dispelled from anyone who gets hit.

thats it :D

03-09-2011, 12:39 PM
last boss, if you have range just park all on 1st ledge and then tank him in the pit below, barrage will not hit anyone, dps ghouls and keep cursed shot dispelled from anyone who gets hit.

thats it :D

Which ledge you are referring to ? Could you take a screenie or describe it for me please ?


03-09-2011, 02:34 PM

03-18-2011, 07:39 PM
When you first enter the room, there're the stairs going down into the room. If you hug the wall to your right you can get out on the ledge that runs all the way around the wall there. Placing ranged up there makes for somewhat of a less hectic fight if dancing out of the bullets is problematic.
This appears to no longer work. I was on the ledge opposite of Godfrey's spawn point and all my ranged/healer got hit by it.
I've tried to figure out how to kill him for a couple hours now and it seems LOS is the only method, but requires VERY fast reaction times and precise positioning. I don't seem to have the required skills and I'm getting tired of repairing. I'm about to give up.

03-18-2011, 08:18 PM

03-20-2011, 03:51 PM
Has anyone cleared SFK with an all melee team? Warrior tank, feral dps, enhance shammy, rogue, resto shammy was my first group to 85. I can get the first two down easily and haven't tried #3. The fourth boss has been a nightmare due to the thrown poison hitting all the melee. Heals can't keep up. I'm also getting rocked by the ice. That may take some better reflexes on my part though. The green and red mixtures are not an issue. Any advice for melee that can not spread out?

03-21-2011, 01:33 PM

03-21-2011, 01:46 PM
Anyone care to make a current (post 4.0.6 patch) video of the end boss fight? I need as much help as I can get.

03-21-2011, 04:01 PM
Anyone care to make a current (post 4.0.6 patch) video of the end boss fight? I need as much help as I can get.

I tried this a few different ways. None of the ledge tricks seemed to work for me, my slaves seemed to all get hit by the pistol barrage. I tried keeping them on follow and run out of the barrage after he cast, but he seemed to sometimes turn back at me in the middle of the barrage.

What I ended up doing was spreading my toons out so only one would get hit at a time by the pistol barrage. Then I just healed through the damage and decursed when needed.

03-21-2011, 05:42 PM
Worked for me last night. I put my slaves at the top of the entry stairs on the little ledge overlooking the room. I tank the boss at the bottom of his stairs. I don't know what the difference in positioning is, but a week before I was getting hit in roughly the same spot on the first attempt then moved them back slightly and didn't get hit. What I do now is start them towards the back of the lip and they never get hit. This makes the fight almost trivial.

03-21-2011, 06:38 PM
Someone mentioned in an other thread that he did this instance with 4dks and a pally. I followed up on that and managed to clear it myself with the dks specced blood and in blood presence. All of my characters are wearing full pvp gear, no pve pieces average ilevel 354.

Pistol barrage is extremely easy to avoid, have all of your toons stand on top of the tank while your healer is behind the boss. As soon as he starts casting pistol barrage spam follow on the healer and have your toons move forward just behind the boss and continue happily spamming dps. Sometimes the boss goes nuts and turns around and fires the last barrage into the raid but that's fine, just top everyone off. It helps to put beacon on the guy that gets the curse... pallys can't dispel curses unfortunately.

03-21-2011, 06:45 PM
Worked for me last night. I put my slaves at the top of the entry stairs on the little ledge overlooking the room. I tank the boss at the bottom of his stairs. I don't know what the difference in positioning is, but a week before I was getting hit in roughly the same spot on the first attempt then moved them back slightly and didn't get hit. What I do now is start them towards the back of the lip and they never get hit. This makes the fight almost trivial.
Any chance you could screenshot this, or draw a detailed map? =)

03-21-2011, 08:38 PM
Pistol barrage is extremely easy to avoid, have all of your toons stand on top of the tank while your healer is behind the boss. As soon as he starts casting pistol barrage spam follow on the healer and have your toons move forward just behind the boss and continue happily spamming dps. Sometimes the boss goes nuts and turns around and fires the last barrage into the raid but that's fine, just top everyone off. It helps to put beacon on the guy that gets the curse... pallys can't dispel curses unfortunately.

Was this after 4.06 when he targets a random player and not the tank? I was able to run out of the pistol barrage initialy, but he would very quickly turn back towards my team and they would all end up taking damage until i could run out of it again. It seemed like he would keep tracking his barrage target even if i ran through him (as i did prior to 4.06). Maybe he was just being extra buggy for me.

03-21-2011, 08:39 PM
Any chance you could screenshot this, or draw a detailed map? =)

yes this would be much appreciated.

03-21-2011, 08:52 PM
Was this after 4.06 when he targets a random player and not the tank? I was able to run out of the pistol barrage initialy, but he would very quickly turn back towards my team and they would all end up taking damage until i could run out of it again. It seemed like he would keep tracking his barrage target even if i ran through him (as i did prior to 4.06). Maybe he was just being extra buggy for me.

Yes, been doing SFK for the past couple of days, he does not move when he casts pistol barrage but he does choose a random target, if it happens that he targets the guy who is standing behind him then you can blow cooldowns and correct the situation, shouldn't happen more than once though. Out of all the times I've done him he has targeted the healer with the barrage once.

Yeah, like i mentioned earlier sometimes he turns back early and hits the raid with his last barrage charge, there is nothing you can do to avoid that regardless of what strategy you use.

03-26-2011, 08:40 AM
Anyone care to make a current (post 4.0.6 patch) video of the end boss fight? I need as much help as I can get.

I made one for you on my run today. not sure if you still need it but here it is. =)


03-26-2011, 01:22 PM
That is very helpful. Thanks for making it.

08-22-2011, 07:44 AM
Got this down on my mixed team (prot pal, resto sham, 2x arcane mage, dest warlock) with help of the suggested strats in this thread.

First boss:
Easy if you dont mess up.

I tank him down in his room with my team standing almost at the bottom of the stairs. I found it easier, for me atleast, to switch the healer window to main after placing the mob where I want it cause fight is all about dispelling the nasty DoT and interrupting and healing the team after he brings you down to 1hp. Until his archangle phase (at appro 1 mil HPs or so) it dont matter much if team is banged up as long as hey live.

I save burn for after the last time he brings you down to 1hp and before archangle phase. Pop cooldowns, heal up the team and burn him down.

Second boss:
Easiest fight in the dungon imo. Tank and spank with paus for killing the adds. Can leave the add at 25% up.

Third boss:
Tricky fight with annoying adds.

My strat is to place my slaves in the inner right hand corner as you enter the room (or spread them out along that wall). I tank the boss i the middle of the room so that my toons are out of range from the desecration AE thingy. When adds are about to spawn I place a consecration at one door and move to the other to pick up that add and then bring boss plus the adds back into the middle of the room. Rince repeat loot.

Fourth boss:
Easisest strat form me is to ignore the cold poison phase. I spread out my slaves along the wall as you enter the room so they all dont get hit by same ice pool. I try to avoid the ice pools with my tank. You probarbly will have to overgear it a bit to be able to ignore the ice pools.

Jump for poison phases and quick dispells/cures of the nasty poison dot.

Last boss:
This one is easy in theory but it had me pulling out my hair mostly because the stupid arcane missiles misaligns my mages so that the strafing strat was a bit hard to execute, toons where all over the place after a bit.

Even with DBM I found it hard to see when he starts casting Pistol Barrage, ended up having to zoom in more than I like to be able to spot his turning.

Started out tanking him at the bottom of his stairs with toons place so they could strafe to their right behind the wall there.Tank was placed opposite the toons facing them. That worked for a few barrages then I had to reposition using /follow and keeping boss between tank and toons and just run forward with either tank or toons at the pistol barrage. Adds I just AEd down.

Is a bit iffy at times when tank has the healing debuff.

Thinking of switching mages to fire or frost for this figth for ease of movement, or just kill the DPS macro on the arc mages and just spam Arcane Blast