View Full Version : Cata - Heroic Deadmines
12-16-2010, 08:05 PM
This guy phase 1 is a piece of cake, tank and spank. Save hero until phase 2 - which is the real challenge.
This took me about 5-6 tries to finally down him. You just need to get the hang of it.
He rotates a fire line around himself that goes clockwise that you have to keep moving to avoid hitting it. It's a line that goes across the area so you have to always stay on 1/2 of his side.
He also spawns tiny adds that add up quick. You need to magma and firenova them, as well as Thunderstorm them every chance you get.
I also would do a earth bind when I was moving, and then a stone claw right after to help absorb the adds damage.
Also, try and make sure your tank is in range to melee the boss, I missed a lot of dps because my tank was too far back several times, he was just sitting there waiting to move to the next spot.
I had my shamans on follow the entire time in phase 2 as well.
12-20-2010, 04:30 AM
Grats on the kill.
Strats for the next boss MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE. :)
12-21-2010, 05:09 AM
Almost killed the reaper 5000 with a burst and Zerg approach. Tank
Needs more gear/health the fire adds hit hard. Also need to craft shamans
Some epics. I only tried once got him to 35-38%. Didn't bother figuring out a legit
Reaper strat will update when I do.
01-04-2011, 01:17 PM
On boss 2 (Helix), if you stand underneath the logs facing away from where the boss is standing originally, it seems that you do not get hit by the thrown bombs. In addition, since you are standing under the log, when the bomb planted on your chest explodes, you just go up to the log. This turns the fight into a basic tank & spank.
I haven't tried boss 3 yet because as soon as I saw 'vehicle' I exited the instance :).
01-04-2011, 02:02 PM
Thanks olibri1, I'll give that a shot on boss 2. I tried it once and it just seemed too complex for my liking.
But I'm anxious to try the Log strat.
01-04-2011, 03:24 PM
I can confirm the log tactic works. Stay below and you almost don;t get a bomb on you.
3rd boss is a pain, haven't gotten him down so far.
01-04-2011, 04:11 PM
I've been trying to zerg down the third boss. I've actually gotten pretty close. I don't really do heroics for gear anymore just for achievements and chaos orbs. Hopefully when i finish off my LW epics I'll be able to pull off the zerg tactic.
Forgot to screen shot Admiral Ripsnarl and Foe Reaper 5000
Foe Reaper 5000 is definitely the hardest boss in the instance. Don't try DPS'ing him down unless you got T11. Put tank half way up the ramp and the slaves you're going to use as dps at the top. You will have to manually control the vehicle part at the bottom. I killed boss on my second try.
Admiral Ripsnarl is an easy / hard fight. Hit starts hitting harder and fast the longer he is up. However the steam things need to killed quickly. They have about 70k hp each and do a cone of cold ability.
"Captain" Cookie is a dps race plain and simple. Don't stand in the green food or pick up the green food. Pickup the food with a white circle around it though, it has a haste buff. I suggest blowing CDs for this fight, lust and all.
Vanessa VanCleef before the actual fight with her you have to complete each Nightmare of the previous bosses. First is don't stand in the fire and avoid the falling ice, 2-3 hit will kill you. One you kill the first guy get you butt in the corner by the door because the entire room turns into a spider nest, DON'T AOE, just nuke the second boss fast. Third fight is Foe Reapers nightmare. Starts out with a Mario avoid the sparks game. Do this one toon at a time, there is a small safe spot you can stand at the end before aggroing the boss. Final fight is with Ripsnarl, simply save his family members that are being attacked by worgen. The worgen are CCable and the family members are healable. Finally on to the fight with Vanessa. Adds will spawn randomly so be ready to kill those. At 50%, 33% and 0% hp she'll blow up the boat. Ropes will spawn on the side that you have to click to swing away and live. After you swing back Vanessa will NOT attack untill you attack her, however you are still in combat so regenerate at a slow pace to your hearts content.
01-11-2011, 07:47 PM
Good shit. We ran this with some guildies my g/f did the reaper part. After I saw how easy it was I was going to try a DPS in the reaper bit.
You're doing awesome shit Zal. You just need Grim Batol and Throne of the Tides now. I've been working on those and I think they're both
doable just gotta practice practice.
01-13-2011, 09:37 AM
Impressive Zal!
01-13-2011, 12:16 PM
Wow, nice! Another heroic 5-boxed. Only a few more to go, nice work!
01-13-2011, 01:09 PM
i'm just curious how you click all 5 ropes fast enough, do you swap screen quickly or is there a macro to grab a rope?
i'm just curious how you click all 5 ropes fast enough, do you swap screen quickly or is there a macro to grab a rope?
swapped screens
01-14-2011, 11:16 PM
wow good job then =D
01-15-2011, 06:12 AM
Use IsBoxer and you can swap screens fast. Even just use a keymap to move to next screen for even easier swapping.
Or enable repeating and click furiously.
01-20-2011, 06:39 AM
No need to click ropes, just stand on the very edge of the boat where the ropes are and you won't die due to fire
04-02-2011, 06:50 AM
I frapped my run today for H deadmines to share.
Always looking for comments to help me improve my strats. For me the nightmare runs prior to fighting vancleef is the most annoying...
I prefer to go with 4xelem shammies for this run without a dedicated healer and just an occasional 4xhealing surge due to the nature of this instance (lots of dps checks). This made boss 3 (foe reaper) a lot easier to handle. I stand myself on the ledge of the entryway staircase and ping-pong the reaper back and forth during the zerg.
hope this helps those that haven't tried it yet.:)
note: my gear are mostly BoE 359 and dungeon 346s - I don't have any BoP raid gear:
Pal Tank:
Any melee team managed to take down the 3rd boss (foe reaper 5000)?
Tried him a couple of times myself (4ret 1blood), but it feels really hard compared to any other boss I have done (got everything down except deadmines and grim batol).
Tried burning the boss downstairs and just ignoring the fire elemental adds, tried it upstairs too.
Tried having manually control the prototype reaper, but it always go downhill after the 2nd fire elemental, because at that point you get harvest and the elemental at the same time. Any wrong step at that point wipes you.
Tried fighting in the middle of the ramp, but was a huge failure, felt like his overdrive hit me from miles always.
Don't even get me started on the Safety Restriction off-line + overdrive combo. Pretty much must have a CD or two up for that or I just wipe at low percentage.
Any tip from a melee team (or well anyone) is much appreciated.
04-22-2011, 02:06 AM
Very nice work, DragonEye!
Great to see some strats on this heroic that I've been avoiding so far!
Thanks for sharing!
06-04-2011, 06:09 PM
Has anyone been able to do the first boss with a full melee team?
My x4 DK + Paladin group die due to the fire very easily.
06-04-2011, 08:41 PM
I went in and tried him a few times on my pally+4 DKs. Couldn't figure it out after a few wipes, so I left.
06-04-2011, 08:52 PM
Yeah, this is one of the few fights were having ten sets of hands is necessary to avoid the fire.
The swirling action that accompanies IWT is very very bad in this instance. Even if you use a key to stop them from swirling, it pretty hard to maintain the perfect distance and rotation.
In my experience the "swirling" action can be avoided by not spamming IWT, and not pressing IWT while your clones are moving.
I found the boss really easy with melee team. Don't spam IWT and always strafe in same direction.
Again, really important to press IWT only once.
So you actually only use 3 buttons. Your dps button, strafe left, IWT.
06-07-2011, 09:19 PM
"swirling" can also be avoided by not spamming IWT aswell... I always spam it and the way i do it is hit it once at first... once their at the target i start the spamming (dps with IWT).... If they start to swirl around the target just tap walk back/foreward/strafeleft/right key for your slaves.
I managed to down first and 2nd boss with my 1 resto druid 4x DK team. But i have no idea how to get pass Foe Reaper 5000..
Anyone managed to down this guy with a dk team?
07-01-2011, 08:20 PM
Well it appears that in addition to the Halls of Origination "Bug" that I posted earlier regarding the first boss, the same thing has happened to Foe Reaper in Deadmines. I tried using Dragoneye's technique of standing my DPS/heals on the ledge and tanking him on the ramp, but as soon as he was going to charge a DPS, he bugged out, Evaded, and went to full health again.
09-02-2011, 01:46 PM
Anybody able to get the 3rd boss down by now? I still fail big time :(
Closest was to dps him down to around 40%...
09-04-2011, 02:18 PM
Got him!
Difference with the other times: pop earth+fire elementals at the same time, and ignore the adds.
Tank died near the end, but still got the kill and achievement because of the elementals taking care of the boss.
09-04-2011, 03:21 PM
I had a hard time on this boss with my pally/3mage/priest team at the appropriate level on regular. Whole team died, tank finished it but died at the end, but still got the kill. Was a complete fluke. I loathe the thought of having to do this on heroic >.<
09-26-2011, 02:30 PM
I frapped my run today for H deadmines to share.
Always looking for comments to help me improve my strats. For me the nightmare runs prior to fighting vancleef is the most annoying...
I prefer to go with 4xelem shammies for this run without a dedicated healer and just an occasional 4xhealing surge due to the nature of this instance (lots of dps checks). This made boss 3 (foe reaper) a lot easier to handle. I stand myself on the ledge of the entryway staircase and ping-pong the reaper back and forth during the zerg.
hope this helps those that haven't tried it yet.:)
note: my gear are mostly BoE 359 and dungeon 346s - I don't have any BoP raid gear:
Pal Tank:
shammies: technique for killing boss 3 (Foe Reaper) worked BRILLIANTLY for me. Even got the achievement!
Also cleared the whole instance!
09-26-2011, 09:09 PM
Any melee team get foe reaper down reliably?
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