View Full Version : 5 Shaman Worth The Wait ?
My first 5 Shaman team has been very enjoyable, i went through 1-60 very quickly with RaF, stopped in at SM halfway through , but basiacally ate kill quests, Im now lvl 60 and have mostly ol gear on from zanger and hellfire.
Ramparts@60 (''): I go in and own even the melee classes till it comes to the boss which obviously at 60 still hurts like hell
Which brings to me doubts of my Shaman future, in pve hero instances and beyond into WotLK
I know at 66 i will get Elementals which will act as boss tanks to a degree , I see all the vids of 5 Shaman pulling off heroic encounters (but much of this I see with PVP gear on) ,
I am not sure on this info so please dont flame me if im wrong on this, but im under the impression Resilience will be nerfed for pve content
So I am wondering do I just prance about with the trash and a few bosses till 66 only to find after this I am the uber(even with res nerf IF it is true), as the pets will be taking that initial punting? , or use a protadin which I have granted to 60 and know that ill have a tank that can take even the hardest of melee boss?
I know a certain degree of this is down to playstyle, but I am looking to do lots of heroics come lich and tbh dont wanna take a protadin if I dont realy have to, as I will be missing out on the extra DPS
10-13-2008, 06:29 AM
Well, i run a quad box and usually go with a tank, so I don't really have this problem.
But from the heroics I can 4 man, Ramparts, Sethekk, Botanica, Mech(apart from +/- boss and lift kiting before end boss, Mana tombs.
I don't rely on my resiliance at all. I rely on burst dps and killing stuff before it hits me, groundings to deal with casters and earth elementals on bosses. I really don't think you need to worry about resiliance. :p
Stoneclaw totem is enough to see any melee mob for a good 5-10 seconds as well. Just don't open with chain lightnings when you want to have a use for your stoneclaws. :P
The trick is to know which trash can potentially hurt you the most. And just kill that first.
PS: In wotlk shamans will get hex (like polymorph.)
10-13-2008, 08:17 AM
I don't think anyone can answer this question yet. We won't know if Shaman will be able to do heroics until a month or two into Wotlk. I strongly believe that they will be fine. We might have to concern ourselves about gearing out a little more before doing these heroics but in the end I think 5 shaman will be able too.
Ramparts? Do I just suck 5 boxing? ('')
That thread is about a 4 shaman 1 paladin team that was having problems with ramparts also. I don't think you can just waltz into an instance and expect to destroy it even if you are a traditional team. You have to take time to learn the pulls and try different things out. Once you get this stuff down and run the dungeon over and over it becomes easy. I know some of the instances that I do I started out wiping alot on trash and stupid stuff.
As far as pvp gear goes I don't think it is necessary. If you look at my armory I have one piece of PVP gear (S2 helm). The reason that people go this route is that it is fairly simple (albeit time consuming) way to gear out all of your team at once. There is a starter pvp set that you can get without doing any pvp once you ding 70 (
I think if you like the playstyle of 5 shaman continue on with it.
Thank you Kaynin you have given some great tips on trash pulls for any shaman unit
Thing is I dont care about trash, with totems they are weaksauce , bosses on the otherhand melee for long periods of time and this is my concern
Will the elementals be enough at 70 to handle a hero boss or will I require the use of a tank
My sceptisism comes from thinking about last boss in shattered halls or first boss in ramps on hero
10-13-2008, 08:28 AM
Thank you Kaynin you have given some great tips on trash pulls for any shaman unit
Thing is I dont care about trash, with totems they are weaksauce , bosses on the otherhand melee for long periods of time and this is my concern
Will the elementals be enough at 70 to handle a hero boss or will I require the use of a tank
My sceptisism comes from thinking about last boss in shattered halls or first boss in ramps on hero
The first boss heroic ramparts hits like a wuss, earth elementals can tank it so easily, I usually use two only. Fling in some heals ofcourse occasionally. So does Kargath in SH. As long as you spread out, that's also an easy boss if you have a good dps output. (Which you will with 5 shamans). In fact, most bosses I find pretty easy, it's the trash that does me in some instances. :P
10-13-2008, 09:30 AM
trash kills me more often then bosses.
Some bosses might need some positioning,
Slave Pens endboss for example,
spread 'm so they're all in range of the totem forest in the middle and pull the boss in with the main.
Nuke like hell -> Free Epix
If I manage to pull agro of an elemental the frontal cone attack will only hit one target and the boss will change aggro so fast he's running in between toons more then he's hitting them.
I tried Ramparts @ 60, it was a hell,
did all the quests in the zone till 62, went back and managed to reach the first boss.
Went to zanger, did all those quests, probably even some more,
went back @65 and wow.. cleared without trouble
Mainly my toons were badly geared @ 60,
but reading through some posts it seems to be the trend to do these things at a higher level.
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