View Full Version : Movies
- [WoW] Ellay's Movies - Dual and Tripleboxing
- [WoW] 3boxing Scholomance
- [WoW] 5-boxing SM Cathedral Boss
- [WoW] Affliction vs Demonology
- [WoW] 5-boxing Blackrock Depths
- [WoW] Shaman team demolishing SH (heroic)
- [WoW] Team Doublemint - Blackhand
- [WoW] Boss's 5box- RFC
- [Lineage II] My First Dual-Box
- [WoW] Heroic Mechanar
- [WOW] 5 Boxing BFD
- [WOW] 5 boxing RFK
- [WoW] WTS Dreadsteed boost!
- [WoW] 10 Box Movement Tests - Eyecandy :)
- [WoW]LOL - Its the Moonkin parade
- Video on IP addresses
- [WoW] Shadowpriest duo demonstration, mostly SM Cath
- [WoW] 4-box Shadow Priests (PvE; no instances)
- [WoW] Hunter duo demonstration, mostly a lv19 WSG game
- [WoW] Ignorance demonstration
- [WOW - 5 Box PVP] By Bradster/Toxicmoon. First one!
- [WoW] Multiboxing 4 shamans (PvE,PvP)
- Taksi - Free, Open Source Windows Based Fraps Tool
- [WoW] 5-boxing RFK (+Stitches) 1x Warrior 4x Shammy
- [WoW] 5 Boxing Archaedas @ Uldaman
- [WoW] priest+locks auto-seducing in SM
- [WOW - 5 Boxing PVE] Zul'Farrak -Bradster
- [Mac] / [WoW] - CloneKeys Demo Movie
- [WoW] - 5 Shaman
- [WoW] 5-boxing SM Cath - Mograine/Whitemane 1x war/4x shammy
- [WOW] My first trial run 5.2 on Macs
- [WoW] Testing Clone Keys for Mac
- [WOW - 5 Box PVP] PART 2 by Toxicmoon. Outland time!
- Video Capturing and Rendering questions
- [WoW] Archaedas at 44 - locks+priest (nothing special)
- Music for Movies
- [WoW] Nolife 4-man army
- Uldaman (4 mages, 1 priest)
- [WoW] Aelli - 4 Elemental Shaman in high end PvP Arena's
- [WOW] Slats - 1x Pally 4x Priests - SFK
- Priest + 4 Mages in Hellfire Ramparts
- multi-boxing in mainstream consciousness... sprint centro ad
- [WoW] 5 Shaman - lvl 60 - Stratholme
- [WoW] Shadow Labs bosses
- [WoW] Pally and some hunters, err I mean shammies!
- [WoW] 5-boxing RFD (1 pally / 4 shammy)
- [WoW] 5-boxing Zul'Farrak (ZF) Pyramid (1 pally / 5 shammy)
- [WoW] Heroic Slave Pens
- [WoW] Heroic Sethekk Halls
- [WoW] Heroic Ramparts & Blood Furnace
- Odo The Blindseer
- [WoW] Into the arena...
- 5 boxing? kid stuff!
- Is it possible to record a tribox session 3 in 1 screen?
- [WoW] Wörrior and his friends
- [WoW] Aelli - Quad Boxing Eye of the Storm BG
- Area52 world PvP - 4x 67 shammies, 1x 67 paladin
- just a funny wow vid
- [WoW] Testing my 5druid setup
- Quick System Stress Test
- [WoW] Aelli- Quad Boxing Karazhan
- New recording software :)
- 5-boxing Underbog - 4x Shaman 1x Paladin
- 5-boxing Blood Furnace - 4x Shaman 1x Paladin
- 5-boxing CoT: Durnholde - 4x shaman 1x paladin
- RFC run
- Owned by Quad Box Shaman
- [WoW]Team Doublemint
- what software are you guys using to edit your vids?
- Bored in School so :P
- [WoW] Ragefire Chasm
- The Zerg is coming for you!
- Special Request - Fireworks
- smashed by elly
- [WoW] Nublets Beware - Crossroads Fire Elemental PvP
- Quick Mana Tombs Run
- Short clip: 5 Shaman in Alterac
- lil vid of my 3boxing shamans
- Hi Res version of Ellay's Arena Video?
- Shadowmoon Valley Crossteaming fun
- 2*5 Boxing Karazhan Teaser
- 2x 5-boxing Kara: Moroes
- 2x 5-boxing Kara: Maiden
- [FlyFF] 3-boxing test
- 2x 5-boxing Kara: Opera - Wizard of Oz
- The Hokages (Jumping on the shammywagon)
- Aelli - Vashj (last boss of SSC)
- small quick test video
- errors loading divx / stage6 videos in firefox
- How to Render for Stage6 (Sony Vegas)
- Heroic Shattered Halls
- 5xShaman 70/44/44/44/44
- Has anybody here 5boxed Sethekk Halls Talon King Ikiss??
- Requsting More PvP Videos
- Help Using fraps.
- PVP: cleaning Eye of the Storm
- How to video?
- 5boxing Slavepens Heroic with shaman
- Stage6 to Shut Down on February 28
- [Original] Laser Shows For Tips
- Some new 5 boxing Videos by Elunaria
- [Original] Why Matt Likes World of Warcraft
- How do you Compress YOUR videos
- boss fight : 1x Pally 4x Shaman vs Ghaz'an
- (Alternative for stage 6)
- Pandemonius in 45 seconds
- The Xevs @ 29
- Heroic Pandemonius 16 Seconds
- Owned by you-know-who
- Prot Pally Powerleveling - SM Cath
- Beavis goes Berserk
- what to use to edit videos?
- Boxing SFK
- My First 5 boxing video
- The Fembots run Heroic Botanica
- 5xShaman Mana Tombs Boss fight and The Maker From Blood Furnace
- The Xevs do Uldaman
- Failed Attempt (The Maker)
- PLing with a not so well geared mage ( SM )
- an aelli 5v5 from other teams POV
- Dr. TRAAAAN!!!
- Ding lvl 70
- Multiboxing AV - Premade (Suvega & Vyndree)
- I got under Outlands and BT
- Aelli - Eagle Boss (ZA)
- Mage boosting in SM (graveyard & library)
- youtube and HD vids
- Content for the Wiki
- Leprechaun??
- World of Warcrack
- mage AoE movies?
- 5 Box Movie I put together of BRD Emp, 2 Pallies, 3 Mages
- Pretty Pussies in Gruul's Lair (tri-boxing)
- 70 PvP Teaser
- [WTB] Video of the Month Nominations (April)
- Twink MB Movies
- [VOTE] Video of the Month (April)
- Heroic Magister's Terrace & Heroic Steamvault by Veroniká 5-Box Shaman
- [WTB] Video of the Month Nominations (May)
- 5 Hunter Deadmines
- My first video of my 5xsham
- XO made someone else's video...
- First video! [70x56x56x56x56 shaman in Ramparts]
- Zevrim Thornhoof's odd fetish
- Dual boxing 25-man raid Kael'Thas
- My first multibox video
- Speech recognition demo
- 70 Warlock SM (Armory) Run Through.
- Tauren moonkin duo - From start to finish
- 4 hunters, random stuff
- 5 elemental shamans doing bosses in level 70 non-heroics
- Mount farming
- Arena Training Video (unfinished)
- My first heroic boss kills /w the shammies
- Skuggos first video..
- My first video -- some arena
- [How To:] Looting without switching windows
- Achmed the dead terrorist (wow machinima)
- Movie requests?
- 5 clients at once?
- My first video, Razorfen Kraul
- Vazruden the herald, messy run.
- quadboxing 4x 67 shaman in mana tombs.
- New site for video streaming!
- Wuut! Platinum and 100 000+ Downloads :D Emo Army Multiboxing PvP Teaser 2! [Updated]
- [Guide] How-To Record Fullscreen Multiboxing
- how to: fight the princess in maradon
- I see this in youtube! 4xhunters+1 priest/paladin soemthing
- My AV PvP Video. (WIP)
- [How To] x5 Shaman vs. Arcanist Doan (SMLib)
- Another Vid, SM Cathedral
- [Movie] The Art Of Brawling
- Ni Hao (a gold farmers story) - funny
- [Movie] 5 box Shaman Mech (Totem of the void) Farming
- Movie of the Month - May (nominate!)
- QQ More: Vyndree's video just for forum trolls
- Tutorial: How to record fullscreen multiboxing videos
- [Movie] Zul'Farrak Pyramid Event
- Nine shaman EotS.
- Fii,Fye,Fo,Fum Quad-boxing shaman pvp vid
- Need help with video encoding / rendering
- Thinking outside the box : the 45yard stunlock.
- [WoW] Melee(Enhancement) shammies (various instances)
- Tutorial: Level 70 Stratholme Farm 300-400g p
- The Shokks do Deadmines
- Stonehoof Sisters arena 1450-1600 rating.
- Project SPAM - PvP Trailer
- Ding level 70 [The Movie]
- The commencing journey of The Daltons
- Plox Brothers vs SFK
- Something i found Floating on Youtube
- The Shokks do Stocks
- 50 minute hroic UB run frapsed. (Stonehoofs + add!)
- == 5x Shaman Heroic Video Guide ==
- Aellis arena movie, song name?
- Aelli - Unstoppable! 2200+ video
- Aelli's Video
- 3 Mages Multibox on Normal Black Morass
- 3-boxing warrior, rogue, warlock in nagrand
- The Power of Five !
- Quicky - Blood Furnace Bosses w/ 5 shammies.
- dual boxing 5 chars Zul Farrak Cave Boss lvl 46
- I hereby rename SM: Shokklet Monastery.
- Ramparts at 61
- Just a old guild intro.
- I just got youtubed :)
- A small trailer for you boys and girls
- My pve team does Blackfathom Deeps
- My first video! [Updated on Vimeo]
- My video 4druids 1warlock
- 2 vids from me
- [HFP Gargolmar] Quad Locks at Lvl 62
- Quick Test Video - 5 Shaman on fire.
- First instance run Multiboxing ever:) 4 shaman, 1 paladin - level 12
- [Hellfire Ramparts] 5 Warlocks
- Mana Tombs run
- Disaster 3 Mages Multiboxing pvp
- Pve team does RFK (lvl 27-28)
- [Slave Pens] 5 Warlocks
- Trash Videos
- Paladin AoE pull in Stratholme - this is how it's done
- [Blood Furnace] 5 Warlocks
- Sethekk Halls
- SP HC boxed
- So we ran MC last night...
- SM GY at level 31 [Pally + 4x Priest]
- Shokks vs Ramparts...
- Honor Hold world PvP with friends
- Team Eli in Mara, and encoding help?
- Zaz's AoE Stocks 25-30
- Nightcrow QuadBoxing Chaman Elem Movie
- :(
- Project SPAM - PvP
- 5 Boxing Blood Furnace. 4 Locks, 1 Priest
- 5 Boxing Mana Tombs - 4 locks, 1 Priest
- Stumbled Across This
- My first trip to Scarlet Monastery - The Library
- THUNDERTSORM! ( video)
- Aelli owning some dudes :-)
- MY first Alterac Video
- Req: Heroic Black Morass 5x Shaman video
- Black Morass with 5 elemental shamans
- 30-39 AB quad shamans
- Heroic Botanica
- polly and 4 shommys
- PvE Team vs. Arcanist Doan
- does Graveyard.
- Team Eli Misc Dungeons =D
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