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  1. #1

    Default Enhancement Shaman PvP - full EoTS video

    Had a great pocket healer, Wue, throughout the BG. The horde were pretty awful this time so you won't seen any amazing skill, but you'll see some burst. I'll try to capture a video where horde actually gives a fight, because this one isn't it. Enjoy!

    Owltoid, Thatblueguy, Thisblueguy, Otherblueguy, Whichblueguy

  2. #2


    I really like how you have your UI setup. I hope you don't mind me asking a few questions about it:

    What are the red squiggly lines above the grid panel?
    What is the addon that you're using to show the enemy names and role on the right hand side?
    What addon are you using to create the grey areas where you keep your bars?
    And lastly, did you use moveanything to get things they way you wanted or something else?

    Oh and thanks for the video, those Shaman look like fun. We need to get together sometime on Dalaran and bring it to the horde! :-)

  3. #3


    - The red squiggly lines (they're lightning bolts, man!) are part of WeakAuras. I have it setup to show the number of stacks of maelstrom for each shaman, and when it equals 5 to show a lightning bolt. It allows me to visually see when there is one long lightning bolt then they all have full maelstrom.
    - Enemy names on the right hand side is BattleGroundTarget.
    - Grey areas are created with kgPanels. I searched for artwork that would look better and I found some, but I didn't find the source files. The grey boxes are as basic as you can get with kgPanels (and look like crap to me!)
    - I used move anything to hide the party frame, move the enemy target to the left hand side, and probably various other small things.

    Overall I give my UI a 5/10. There are a ton of things I'd like to change, but I don't want to spend the time changing them. The only thing I really like is the maelstrom lightning bolt - it's visually in a very easy place to remind me when I am ready for an elemental blast burst.

    -One big change I need to do is to change TidyPlate to show the enemies magic buffs so I know when to purge - I usually don't care what debuffs I put on them as I very rarely use flame shock.
    -Another change I would like to do is have the lightning bolts be red when there is 5 maelstrom procs and elemental blast is not ready, and green when they're both ready. I think I'd have to use TellMeWhen to do that, but that addon isn't as straight forward as WeakAuras.
    Last edited by Owltoid : 01-19-2013 at 10:48 AM
    Owltoid, Thatblueguy, Thisblueguy, Otherblueguy, Whichblueguy

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