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  1. #1

    Default Little macro problem

    First of all I'd like to thank you all for such an amazing resource. I just recently took up 4-boxing about a month ago and I haven't looked back since.

    Now onto my problem. It's very possible that I just can't do what I'm trying to do, but I figured I'd ask before I just gave up.

    What I'm trying to achieve is to have a single macro for all 3 shocks (mainly just so save space and require less actionbar slots).
    I want the macro to have the "fallthrough" brackets "[]", if that's what they're even called, so that I can use the same macro on all accounts and not have an issue if I don't have a target selected (say if my main dies).

    My current macro is:
    /cast [mod:shift] [target=targettarget,harm] [] Flame Shock
    /cast [mod:ctrl] [target=targettarget,harm] [] Frost Shock
    /cast [nomod] [target=focus,harm]; [target=targettarget,harm] [] Earth Shock

    I've tried to put the [mod:whatever] all over the macro just to see if I had it in the wrong place, but I no matter what I do the macro just defaults to Flame Shock and nothing else and when I press any of the modifier keys nothing changes.

    Again, it's very possible that I'm just trying to do more then I'm allowed to in a macro, but it seemed like a nice idea so I wanted to run it by everyone here before I just scrapped the idea and went back to 3 separate macros for each shock.

  2. #2


    Your macro is certainly possible, you just have the brackets written wrong.

    /cast [mod:shift,target=targettarget,harm][mod:shift] Flame Shock
    /cast [mod:ctrl,target=targettarget,harm][mod:ctrl] Frost Shock
    /cast [nomod,target=focus,harm][nomod,target=targettarget,harm][nomod] Earth Shock
    Hopefully this isn't above the character limit.
    You can aslo remove the [nomod] conditionals completely from the last line, since if it gets that far you're not pressing shift or ctrl anyway.

    Hope this works.

  3. #3


    Awesome, works perfectly.

    Thank you very much!

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