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  1. #1

    Default More than 4GB Memory

    Hey all

    I haven been looking at upgrading my RAM. Currently I have 4 Gigs of DDR2 800 RAM in the computer. If I only two box on my main computer I am able to maintain about 30-40 fps, however when I go to three my main windows fps drops to about 15. Granted this is playable but I dont really like it. So I am wondering if getting another 2-4 Gigs would help with that?

    Demmandred and the Forsaken



    p.s. I do read the Wheel of Time

  2. #2


    Problem is that on a 32bit Operating System, you won’t even get the
    full potential of your 4g of RAM.

    Have you tried setting your max fps on your followers to around 15-20 fps max?
    It would probably fix your fps issues.

  3. #3


    Yep, if you want to make full use of that 4, or even more so, go beyond 4, you'll need a 64-bit OS. I've got 8gigs running in Vista64, and (along with the graphics card), have no troubles maintaining 40-60FPS on all 5 clients.
    ...for when one toon just isn't enough...

    Horde Caelestrasz Multiboxer:
    Team1: 5xPaladin....Level 80 - Heroic gearing completed. WTB [Frost Badge] pst pls.
    Team2: 1xPaladin/4xShaman....Level 80 - On Hiatus, Awaiting Cata.

    Contact on: Nevergonna on Realm Caelestrasz (Horde)

    Caelestrasz Horde: 5 Active 5 Boxers and counting.

  4. #4


    Sorry I should have clarified, I am using Vista 64. I have my followers set to bkfps=5 and fps=15. Here is a quick rundown of my hardward

    Quad Core 6600
    4 Gigs DDR2 800 RAM
    Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS 512 Megs on board memory
    7200 RPM SATA Drive
    Windows Vista 64
    Demmandred and the Forsaken



    p.s. I do read the Wheel of Time

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by 'mackenziemi',index.php?page=Thread&postID=68348#p ost68348
    Sorry I should have clarified, I am using Vista 64. I have my followers set to bkfps=5 and fps=15. Here is a quick rundown of my hardward

    Quad Core 6600
    4 Gigs DDR2 800 RAM
    Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS 512 Megs on board memory
    7200 RPM SATA Drive
    Windows Vista 64
    Odd, we have almost the same specs but i use Vista 32. I also use Keyclone and set my 4 followers on
    different CPU affinities with a max fps of 15 and my main runs around 60fps on
    a constant basis.

    Have you set the settings on your followers to low?

    /say detail: low
    /console groundEffectDensity 16
    /console groundEffectDist 1
    /console horizonfarclip 1305
    /console farclip 177
    /console characterAmbient 1
    /console smallcull 1
    /console skycloudlod 1
    /console detailDoodadAlpha 1

    /say detail: medium
    /console groundEffectDensity 136
    /console groundEffectDist 70
    /console horizonfarclip 3765
    /console farclip 477
    /console characterAmbient 1
    /console smallcull 1
    /console skycloudlod 2
    /console detailDoodadAlpha 1

    /say detail: high
    /console farclip 777
    /console horizonfarclip 6226
    /console groundeffectdensity 256
    /console groundeffectdist 140
    /console smallcull 0
    /console skycloudlod 3
    /console characterambient 0
    /console detailDoodadAlpha 100

  6. #6


    I haven't done that Grovey. Wasn't aware of that. Would I need to put that into like a Macro and do that every time?
    Demmandred and the Forsaken



    p.s. I do read the Wheel of Time

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by 'mackenziemi',index.php?page=Thread&postID=68348#p ost68348
    Sorry I should have clarified, I am using Vista 64. I have my followers set to bkfps=5 and fps=15. Here is a quick rundown of my hardward

    Quad Core 6600
    4 Gigs DDR2 800 RAM
    Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS 512 Megs on board memory
    7200 RPM SATA Drive
    Windows Vista 64
    I have same except my 4 GB is 1066 MHz (shouldn't make much difference) and my video card is 8800 GT 512.

    I 5 box. I run the main window full size in one monitor at 60 FPS, and the other four on second monitor each at 30 FPS (this is how I set it up in keyclone, possibly could go higher). SO definitively it is not your RAM, 4 GB should be fine.

    First thing to check is the graphics settings of the clones like Groovy suggests. If you don't feel like messing with script just go through the interface and turn things down like view distance, texture detail, different effects and so on.

    Second thing to look at is processor affinity. You can do this from within keyclone, put those other cores to good use (namely the last 2 ;-))

    Also, how are you running your WoWs? All from same folder, full different folders, or different folders with symlinks?

    Lastly check your background applications. Only takes a bad one to slow things down considerably.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by 'mackenziemi',index.php?page=Thread&postID=68362#p ost68362
    I haven't done that Grovey. Wasn't aware of that. Would I need to put that into like a Macro and do that every time?
    No, the settings will persist when you reload. You can also paste them info WTF\
    All my codes r belong to you: wow5box

  9. #9


    I have the processory affinity set up in Keyclone. I have my primary window set to CPU1, then all the other one are on CPU's 2,3. I don't have any on CPU 0. I read somewhere on here this was a good idea so you didnt have WoW competing with the OS for CPU time. I run off one one install, again I read on here that this was a more performant way to go. I also make sure to kill all of my background applications with the exception of Media Player to listen to music and books on CD.
    Demmandred and the Forsaken



    p.s. I do read the Wheel of Time

  10. #10


    Affinity looks good (I have mine setup the same by the way), and you have install and background applications covered. For all it is worth I have 2 x 7200 RPM hard drives - first one is for windows and all other applications, second is exclusively for WoW and clones (I symlink the Data folder). Not to sure how much a difference does it make since I never run everything of the same drive, so maybe someone else can chime in on that.

    Also not sure if you have come across this thread, posting 10 has really good suggestions:

    PC Performance Issue

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