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  1. #1

    Default The best part of multiboxing....

    not having to say "LFG!!"


  2. #2


    Yeah, this was probably my primary motivation for Multiboxing. I wanted to experience instancing without having to wait to find groups (especially for some of the more obscure old world dungeons), smoke breaks, crying baby breaks, grandpa fell and needs help breaks, etc. etc. Not only that but I don't have to worry about ninja looting, pets gone wild, incarnations of Leeroy Jenkins, asking for buffs, out-of-control mages emptying their mana pools every encounter. Yeah.
    5-boxing on Exodar (US)
    Pally/Priest/Mage/Druid/Shaman <- Buff Heaven!

    1........10.........20.........30.........40...... ..50........60.62........70

  3. #3


    Totally owning some random guy and getting them to report you and/or make forum topics.

  4. #4


    Throwing raves in IF.
    PUGS- the other wipe meet

    Druid and 4x Shammies on Boulderfist (Stackin & Thedeck, of <RAGE>)
    'I like a man who laughs when he fights' - Winston Churchill

  5. #5


    actually.. the best part was a 70 sham rolling up on my 5x31 shams today.... i took that prick to 1/4 life.. i don't think he expected a clump o shams.. i coudln't hit him.. but the totems did
    Vantek, Vantol, Vantal, Vantol, Vantel.. yeah.. no Vantil.... bite me, im a moron...

    5X70 shamen.. Dark Iron Horde US, AKA the worst server on earth...

  6. #6


    I remember the days where I would sit waiting for a tank or healer to join my group for an instance. Now I just log on and go do whatever I want. I've just this week started running heroics, so farming badges at my own pace will be very nice as well. And if a couple of friends are on I'll invite them to go along for some fun.

  7. #7


    ... is getting spammers reported 4 times :evil:

  8. #8


    killing 70's when i was 60 with 4x pom pyro's.

    The fact that they didn't release spirit for some time told em that they were probably beating on furtiture or at the least going "WTF????"
    1Priest, 4Mages Qyx, Kwix, Aquix, Cquix, Quixar // 5 Shammies, Quixs, Quixas, Quixbs, Quixcs, Quixds // Quix Inc (Gurubashi PVP)

  9. #9


    My favorite moment was a few days ago. I play on a PvE server but some horde wanted to challenge me by going pvp. I normally ignore these but thought what the hell

    So <Enter> /pvp followed by 4x Lightning Bolts + 4x earth shock

    When he rezzed I just /bow and went on. Think he is cured :P
    22 x 5-toon teams on Silvermoon EU

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Quix',index.php?page=Thread&postID=67788#post6778 8
    killing 70's when i was 60 with 4x pom pyro's.

    The fact that they didn't release spirit for some time told em that they were probably beating on furtiture or at the least going "WTF????"
    Ahahahaha indeed
    I would give money to see their reactions.
    I recall killing a 41(skull) with my 4 level 31 toons at Stranglethorn Vale. She didn't respawn for at least 1.5 or 2 hours (her corpse remained where she died). This is my most memorable kill, as I was actually trying to avoid her first.

    The day before yesterday I killed a level 61(skull) with my 4 level 40's. It took me a respawn with all 4(I got him to half health first), but got him killed anyway >)

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