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Thread: A few questions

  1. #1

    Default A few questions

    Hello to everyone here; I was glad to find this forum. I never knew that there were others who also box multiple characters. The Keyclone program has been excellent and saved my hands a great deal of annoyance (for the past 2 years i've been multi-boxing by switching between the 3 windows and pressing all buttons individually). That aside, any answers to the following would be greatly appreciated;

    1) How do you recommend one levels while multiboxing, in my case with three characters? Do you think that instances are the best way to go, or is questing faster? Is grinding an option?

    2) How do I use formations; specifically, how can I get my characters to go into a straight line? This would be nothing short of excellent. Now, i've read the sticky thread on the forum and the information in the wiki, though it's all rather confusing to me. For example, from the wiki;
    "The Cross (+)

    bind a key to the following directions on each account. A=u B=d C D=l E=r

    pressing this key will move each character in the relevant direction to form a cross (+)"

    Now, what is A, or u, in terms of using a macro? In the "Basics" section above, it says that "multibox formations are not achieved through macros, they are only possible through key-bindings and key-mappings." What is a key binding, or a key mapping? I have no idea about any of this.

    3) How viable would you say more unusual combinations are, like 3 warriors or 3 rogues? Do you believe they can stand up in PvP?

    Thank you once again to anyone who can answer any of this.

  2. #2


    2) How do I use formations; specifically, how can I get my characters to go into a straight line? This would be nothing short of excellent. Now,

    "Now, what is A, or u, in terms of using a macro? In the "Basics" section above, it says that "multibox formations are not achieved through macros, they are only possible through key-bindings and key-mappings." What is a key binding, or a key mapping? I have no idea about any of this."

    Key bindings are the simple act of going into the WoW menu and making the same key a different direction on each characters. Key mapping is more like making Keyclone do the different directions (making A on the main press B,C,D etc on the alts)

    For a straight line I would think that setting 1 clone to forward, 1 clone to backward and the main as nothing. Press and hold, the 2 clones will spread ahead and behind the main theortetically in a line.
    "3) How viable would you say more unusual combinations are, like 3 warriors or 3 rogues? Do you believe they can stand up in PvP?"

    Melee setups are very hard. They all have to be in range, melee attacks cancel follow and no heals.
    Amd 9600 Quadcore, 4 gbs Ram, 3200 ATI Radeon, Dual 19" Widescreen Monitors
    Shinra Company - Teaching old dogs, new tricks

  3. #3

    Default RE: A few questions

    Quote Originally Posted by 'Omega214',index.php?page=Thread&postID=62592#post 62592
    Hello to everyone here; I was glad to find this forum. I never knew that there were others who also box multiple characters. The Keyclone program has been excellent and saved my hands a great deal of annoyance (for the past 2 years i've been multi-boxing by switching between the 3 windows and pressing all buttons individually). That aside, any answers to the following would be greatly appreciated;

    1) How do you recommend one levels while multiboxing, in my case with three characters? Do you think that instances are the best way to go, or is questing faster? Is grinding an option?

    2) How do I use formations; specifically, how can I get my characters to go into a straight line? This would be nothing short of excellent. Now, i've read the sticky thread on the forum and the information in the wiki, though it's all rather confusing to me. For example, from the wiki;
    "The Cross (+)

    bind a key to the following directions on each account. A=u B=d C D=l E=r

    pressing this key will move each character in the relevant direction to form a cross (+)"

    Now, what is A, or u, in terms of using a macro? In the "Basics" section above, it says that "multibox formations are not achieved through macros, they are only possible through key-bindings and key-mappings." What is a key binding, or a key mapping? I have no idea about any of this.

    3) How viable would you say more unusual combinations are, like 3 warriors or 3 rogues? Do you believe they can stand up in PvP?

    Thank you once again to anyone who can answer any of this.
    1) Everyone has their own opinions on leveling. I personally prefer to quest until I get ganked repeatedly, then simply hit an instance.

    2) I personally use the page up and page down buttons for my main formation but I also use home, end, ins and delete because they're out of the way enough that they aren't usually bound to on the fly.
    My 5 man team is bound as so.
    Toon 1 2 3 4 5
    1 page down nothing
    2 page down strafe left
    3 page down strafe left AND page up back peddle
    4 page down strafe right AND page up back peddle
    5 page down strafe right

    This way when i push down both page up and down at the same time, I can get a semi circle around my main too. This is the main formation I use.
    There are other ones out there, but the semi circle fits my personal taste :P

    3. Boxing melee characters are one of the most difficult things to do because of the amount of attention each toon will need to keep doing their job.
    I 3 boxed a Warrior, Shaman, and Mage for the longest time by alt tabbing and the shaman and mage required the least amount of attention while the warrior required the most.

    However, if boxing melee suits your fancy, Go for it! Nothing can never be done :P

  4. #4


    With 3 characters you should be questing, hands-down. Here's a little tip on making your life easier:

    - download the Lightheaded and TomTom addons if you haven't already. Lightheaded modifies your quest journal to include all of the wowhead comments on each quest as well as descriptive information about the quest. TomTom enables you to click coordinates in the quest descriptions and have them show up as waypoints on your radar. One of the big values of Lightheaded is that it shows you when the quest you are on is part of a multi-quest line. This enables you to avoid "one-off" quests that involve gathering items that doesn't lead to something bigger and better. The bane of multiboxing is doing gathering quests because they just take so damn long and you don't get great experience from the kills due to having so many chars in your group.

    Just keep questing and with 3 characters you should be able to level faster than by just playing alone.

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