I have a Core 2 duo and a Geforce 8800GTS video card. Both of these have problems with wow in that the multithreading and driver problems can cause random crashes. I resolved those problems by disabling multithreading and antialiasing.

Since then I can run a single instance of wow all day and never have a problem. My system is stable with weeks of uptime.

The problem is that if I launch 2 instance of wow I get blue screen crashes and loud static through the speakers when it does so.

It can work for a few hours, or crash every few minutes, no predicting it.

I disabled all the multithreading and such in wow and have 2 seperate directories with lowered video settings for my dual boxing.

1 runs in 800x600 with sound on and video set at half quality and 1 runs in 800x600 at reduced detail and no sound enabled.

Between the blue screens and the disconnects on auto follow I find it impossible to dual box on one system.

I mean I have 2gigs of ram and a high end PC that is stable, yet I can't figure this one out.

Anybody else have a similar setup hardware and video card that has *not* had problems?