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  1. #1

    Default War/priest macros


    I'm working on a warrior/priest dual box effort, with the intent to group effectively. I would most like to work out a macro where I can, on the warrior, mouse over a player, or otherwise select them without actually retargetting from a mob. And from that action, have my priest heal the selected character.

    Unfortunately, there is no [target=party1focus] command, which would be a perfect 2 button solution,

    /focus mouseover on the warrior

    /cast [target=party1focus] heal on the priest

    Any ideas for a workaround, or experience in general playing a tank/healer dual boxing?

  2. #2

    Default Re: War/priest macros

    Quote Originally Posted by Kfunk

    I'm working on a warrior/priest dual box effort, with the intent to group effectively. I would most like to work out a macro where I can, on the warrior, mouse over a player, or otherwise select them without actually retargetting from a mob. And from that action, have my priest heal the selected character.

    Unfortunately, there is no [target=party1focus] command, which would be a perfect 2 button solution,

    /focus mouseover on the warrior

    /cast [target=party1focus] heal on the priest

    Any ideas for a workaround, or experience in general playing a tank/healer dual boxing?
    Use the mouseover. I use a macro like this to cure poison and disease just by mousing over and pressing a button:

    /cast [target=mouseover,nomodifier] Cleanse Poison
    /cast [target=mouseover,modifier:ctrl] Cleanse Disease
    /cast [target=mouseover,modifier:alt] Purge
    /cast [target=player,nomodifier] Cleanse Poison
    /cast [target=player,modifier:ctrl] Cleanse Disease

    You could just as easily do this with a heal:

    /cast [target=mouseover] Renew

    The other way to do what you are asking is to write a macro for that player, specifically, and use the /targetlasttarget command:

    /target Player1
    /cast Greater Heal

    This will target the character named "Player1", cast the heal, then go back to whatever target you were on before, so you don't have to find the mob you were trying to kill. Hope this helps.

  3. #3


    After rereading your comment I think you are playing the warrior on your main screen, and having the priest on follow. In that case, I would recommend creating 2 macros, one to heal the warrior, and another to heal the priest. The macros would look like this:

    Heal Warrior Macro:
    [code:1]/target Warrior
    /cast Greater Heal

    Heal Priest Macro:
    [code:1]/target Priest
    /cast Greater Heal

    Bind those macros to keys that will be broadcast to the priest's computer. For bonus points, make those same keys on your warrior use skills like "Shield Wall" and "Last Stand," so you will not only have a heal landing soon, you'll have damage mitigation before the heal lands.

    Good luck!

  4. #4


    The second post is correct in what I'm going for Illumin8.

    Those are good macro's for healing the warrior and priest. I was looking for something flexible enough to allow me to handle healing other party members (not controlled by myself) in an instance setting where I'm concentrating on maintaining aggro with the warrior while still healing the entire party with the priest. And so far I have not managed to slim my button count down yet, so more flexible macro's are a path I need to take to get this to work, I expect five macro's for a heal to each party member won't work.

    Thanks for the ideas, anything that could pull off what I want?

    On a side note, I have heard of mods that will have a player cast a buff based on a whispered command? Does that ability exist?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Kfunk
    The second post is correct in what I'm going for Illumin8.

    Those are good macro's for healing the warrior and priest. I was looking for something flexible enough to allow me to handle healing other party members (not controlled by myself) in an instance setting where I'm concentrating on maintaining aggro with the warrior while still healing the entire party with the priest. And so far I have not managed to slim my button count down yet, so more flexible macro's are a path I need to take to get this to work, I expect five macro's for a heal to each party member won't work.

    Thanks for the ideas, anything that could pull off what I want?

    On a side note, I have heard of mods that will have a player cast a buff based on a whispered command? Does that ability exist?
    I think a simpler solution might be in order. Just make sure the F1-F5 keys get passed through to the priest. Hit Fx (whatever function key for the party member you want to heal) and press the button to cast the heal. Only problem now is targetting last target.

    If you always run with the same people, you can setup macros for each of your regular friends, like I mentioned in the last post. If you want it to be more generic, the Function keys and spells should work. You can also do what I do and use the Logitech G15 gaming keyboard to record this simple F1-heal, F2-heal, etc. macros.

    I have my G keys on the Logitech assigned like this:

    G1 - Press F1 and heal
    G2 - Press F2 and heal
    G3 - Press F3 and heal

    So, that way, my G1-G5 keys are to heal party members 1-5.

    As far as casting buffs based on whispered commands, I don't know of a mod that can do that. Healbot is a pretty good mod for not only healing, but also buffing. It's mostly based on mouse clicks though, so you should probably be using it on your main window for it to really be useful.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Kfunk
    On a side note, I have heard of mods that will have a player cast a buff based on a whispered command? Does that ability exist?
    You're probably thinking of WhisperCast:

  7. #7


    You could also contain all of your heals inside one macro using modifiers. I do this with my Warrior/Paladin combo:

    #show Holy Light
    /cast [modifier:alt, target=player] Holy Light; [modifier:ctrl, target=SecondCharacter] Holy Light; [target=MainCharacter] Holy Light

    Broadcast this keystroke to all machines.
    Alt+key will heal yourself.
    Ctrl+key will heal a secondary character.
    The key by itself will heal the main.

    Replace SecondCharacter and MainCharacter with your character's names, and Holy Light with Flash Heal, Greater Heal, etc.
    [target=player] means yourself.

  8. #8


    Thanks, that's all nifty information!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Heenan
    You could also contain all of your heals inside one macro using modifiers. I do this with my Warrior/Paladin combo:

    #show Holy Light
    /cast [modifier:alt, target=player] Holy Light; [modifier:ctrl, target=SecondCharacter] Holy Light; [target=MainCharacter] Holy Light

    Broadcast this keystroke to all machines.
    Alt+key will heal yourself.
    Ctrl+key will heal a secondary character.
    The key by itself will heal the main.

    Replace SecondCharacter and MainCharacter with your character's names, and Holy Light with Flash Heal, Greater Heal, etc.
    [target=player] means yourself.
    From what I am reading you are able to use the "modifier" for keybinding too?

    When I use say "modifier:alt" I need to mouse click that button or the modifier doesnt work. Alt-G simply causes the alt-G keybinding to fire.

    Am I doing something wrong or do you have something setup differently?


  10. #10


    It sounds like you have something bound to Alt+G already. All of my hotkeys are on the normal bars, so mine is Alt+=, Ctrl+=, etc.

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