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  1. #1

    Default Need some help with my 5 x Shamans.


    My shamans are level 67.5 right now, and after doing a bit of research on these forums, it seems that Mana Tombs would be a good place to grind up the XP because for the most part you can DPS + grounding totem your way thru. But I'm having some issues with trash pulls and I'm wondering if I'm putting down the right totems and using a good spell sequence, etc. because even tho I managed to finish the instance yesterday (escort quest and all) it took a long time due to wipe after wipe.

    Some of the wipes, were my fault for being a noob, for example I didn't remember that nexus terror fear bombed =)

    My setup:

    5 shaman, elemental spec, quested gear. 1 shaman (main) has a shield the rest have staves.

    Before the fight I put down:

    - 5 Wrath totems

    - 1 Mana spring + 4 Healing streams

    then depending on the fight, I put down wrath of air, or groundings or stoneskin or a combination of

    I pull with lightning bolt then hit them with chain as they run in, the problem is that once they get to me I can't seem to kill them fast enough and lose a shaman or two, I tried dropping 5 novas and that seemed to help but now I don't get the crits from the wrath totem ...

    Any advise? Did I provide enough info?


  2. #2

    Default RE: Need some help with my 5 x Shamans.

    Quote Originally Posted by '0xdeadbeef',index.php?page=Thread&postID=58676#po st58676

    My shamans are level 67.5 right now, and after doing a bit of research on these forums, it seems that Mana Tombs would be a good place to grind up the XP because for the most part you can DPS + grounding totem your way thru. But I'm having some issues with trash pulls and I'm wondering if I'm putting down the right totems and using a good spell sequence, etc. because even tho I managed to finish the instance yesterday (escort quest and all) it took a long time due to wipe after wipe.

    Some of the wipes, were my fault for being a noob, for example I didn't remember that nexus terror fear bombed =)

    My setup:

    5 shaman, elemental spec, quested gear. 1 shaman (main) has a shield the rest have staves.

    Before the fight I put down:

    - 5 Wrath totems

    - 1 Mana spring + 4 Healing streams

    then depending on the fight, I put down wrath of air, or groundings or stoneskin or a combination of

    I pull with lightning bolt then hit them with chain as they run in, the problem is that once they get to me I can't seem to kill them fast enough and lose a shaman or two, I tried dropping 5 novas and that seemed to help but now I don't get the crits from the wrath totem ...

    Any advise? Did I provide enough info?

    You shouldn't be having any problems with that place with 5x67 elemental spec'de shamans. I reguarly do the 1st two heroic bosses in SV and Ramparts with only 4 shamans. I'd recommend all your guys have shields and whats your spell dmg at? Nice starting combo is throwing down 5 magmas (or nova if you can time it right) before the pull then trinket+lightning bolt followed immediately by NS+CL+EM right at the start - that cleans out at least one and dmgs the other two pretty badly if your dmg is high enough. Also the order of your kills can be important first. I generally ignore casters with Grounding totems down and take out whatever will do the most dmg first (melee). The exception might be casters that do AOE.

  3. #3

  4. #4


    You need more spelldmg Boomkins have 600+ a lvl lower than you and there's usually more spelldmg mail out there lol; see if you can't switch some leather/cloth out on the alts if they don't take aggro
    Not Currently Boxing
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    Drayth> Finish this set: Spaceturkey Lazurturkey Moonturkey Starturkey - and no, don't say Sunturkey.
    Fursphere> Moonturkey? Drayth> Look at - Fursphere> damnit...Starturkey?
    Fursphere> FUCK. - Drayth> lol... * Fursphere gets on the failboat

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by '0xdeadbeef',index.php?page=Thread&postID=58689#po st58689
    Spell damage around 390
    Should be OK for that place. Trying to recall what my gear was like at that level but I do remember my guys all having staves from the ring of blood in nagrand and finding things were much better after making them all use shields when I couldn't rely on keeping agro on one particular guy. The extra dps from two handed staff won't make much of a difference if one character is dying and you lose its dps completely.

  6. #6


    If I were you I would go to sethekk halls no later than 68. You are going to want the lower city exalted mace when you hit 70. I did MT until 67, then sethekk. Sethekk can be hard without the fire elementals.

    Are you using the healing macro/rotation from the 5 Shaman part of the wiki, I was wiping a lot until I found that.

    Here is the totems I use for my pulls
    4 healing/1 mana
    5 totems of wrath
    1 wrath of air/4 grounding

    I start the fight out by killing one melee then drop 4 stoneclaw/1 earthbind, I back up 20 or so yards and kill the second melee. Then dps down the casters. If there is 3 or more melee then I use the heal macro in the wiki. Most of the time tho, I dont get hit more than once.

    Like Crucial said you are going to want shields for your guys.

    I think my guys where around 380 + damage when I was there.
    5XShamans Rabbitv, Rabbitw, Rabbitx, Rabbity, Rabbitz


  7. #7


    I'd like to give them shields but I haven't found any good ones

  8. #8


    I used this shield until I got the one from badge rewards.

    Not much else out there with + damage until 70.
    5XShamans Rabbitv, Rabbitw, Rabbitx, Rabbity, Rabbitz


  9. #9
    Super Moderator Stealthy's Avatar
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    May 2007
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    Quote Originally Posted by 'Rabbitx',index.php?page=Thread&postID=58796#post5 8796
    I used this shield until I got the one from badge rewards.

    Not much else out there with + damage until 70.

    Use that until you get to 68 and then go and buy 5 of these -
    The Zerg (Magtheridon - US)

    Fact of Life: After Monday and Tuesday even the calendar says W T F.

  10. #10


    Yeah, you should have NO problem with trash pulls. In fact, I never ever have to heal during a trash pull (only top off afterwards).

    I use:
    - 5 Wrath
    - 1 mana spring, 4 healing stream
    - 4 grounding, 1 wrath of air
    - 1 stoneskin, 4 stoneclaw

    With that totem rotation, make sure the stoneskin/stoneclaws drop last. Right when you drop them, fire your first salvo of lightning bolts at the mob that hurts you the most (Usually I target those priests, because they AOE). They should die before they get to you. Then, target the next toughest melee, and lightning bolt them. Most people want to PEW PEW CHAIN LIGHTNING... but you really should not do this until the 4th or 5th spell cast (basically, wait till the mobs whack the stoneclaws and get stunned, THEN chain lightning). If there are too many melee, make sure you have all 5 shammies with a key that drops fire nova totem. That saves my ass from time to time.

    For the Nexus Terror's (those voidwalker looking guys that fear). Make sure you DPS them hard and fast, and theyll never get the fear off. I usually do, LB, LB, CL, LB, shocks, dead.

    For healing, check out the 5x Shaman PVE Wiki page that I helped make. There are excellent ideas for healing on bosses.

    On the general topic of mana tombs... I leveled there from 66-68. I then went to Netherstorm to do quests, and realized that a ton of them are collection quests (/wrists). Last night I flew back to Allerian Stronghold and put my hearth there. I'm gonna start to try Sethekk Halls.
    5 Shamans - lvl 70
    Xxearth, Xxfire, Xxwind, Xxwater, Xxheart
    Capnplanet - Bank alt

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