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  1. #21


    LOL Monkey, that was our sunday wasn't it?
    - You put the lime in the coke u nut.

  2. #22

    Default Re: [WoW] Dual-Boxing Powerleveling Class Guide

    Quote Originally Posted by Fursphere
    I'm curious at your reasoning for this being "unefficient"? I'm currently doing exactly this (22 atm), and I can tear through just about anything in my level range. I'm even considering adding a third shaman to the mix.
    First off, I'm not sure how I actually mistyped "inefficient". I was using Textpad. My apologies.

    Second, the best thing about dual-boxing in WoW is that there are so many classes that have complimentary abilities. Judgment of Wisdom is a perfect example with your Shamen: a Shaman is constantly hounded by when to use his expensive abilities from a weak mana pool versus stopping to drink. If coupled with a Paladin, however, the Judgment will keep him at full mana all the time in either carebear or team leveling!

    I am quite sure that two of any class will be able to rip up any nonelite that comes their way. But for getting to 70, complimentary classes will shave hours off your time. The only thing a two or three Shamen combination will have going for it is having your Enhancement build using Stormstrike and your Elemental build subsequently spamming Lightning Bolts. I guess they will also be quick on the move with Ghost Wolf. Support totems do not stack. Neither does Unleashed Rage. AoE pulls are impossible. Thinking about how to dual-box kite has literally just given me a nosebleed. If you're considering adding a third class, consider Paladin.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Fursphere
    With 2x shammies, you can do two different support totems of the same type (like two earth totems). With 3x shammies, you can add a third type to the mix. I'm not sure if going higher would add more "buff" benefit (4x or 5x shammies)

    I have my three shammies setup to each throw a different totem of the same class (like earth), but a differnet buff (ie: stoneskin and strength at same time, and the third shammie throws earthbind to prevent runners).

    I'm still considerign throwing a pally into the mix for buffs, but ghost wolf is so nice at level 20!
    While this may appear great right now, I can assure you that the Stoneskin Totem's effectiveness drops significantly after level 20-30 and the Earthbind Totem is easily replaced with Frost Shock or Frostbrand Weapon.

    Improved Leader of the Pack, Judgment of Wisdom, a Combat Rogue or Fury Warrior with Windfury, Improved Hunter's Mark, or any of the massive damage capabilities of the cloth classes while you tank will by far outweigh the benefits of casting multiple totems of the same element.

  4. #24

    Default Re: [WoW] Dual-Boxing Powerleveling Class Guide

    Quote Originally Posted by Minister
    [*]Paladin/Paladin: are you retarded?
    I lol'd when I read this but then thought, hm, why not give it a try, turns out for pve this actually isn't such a bad combo, you'll have two auras on, two blessings, enemies can be judged twice (keeping them from fleeing if they do and something else) .. and the downtime would be zero since mana regen won't be a problem with palis.

    now the only downside of this combo might be the slow-ish grind, but that's what aoe tanking is for I guess.. (1 holy, the other prot..).

    I had fun with the 2 blood elves tbh.

    Trying to figure out the rogues next ;-)

  5. #25

  6. #26

    Default High level hunter + couple of low level toons?

    So if two toons are grouped together and a high level hunter follows behind and ONLY sends the pet in to do damage, would the toons get full XP? (Assuming the hunter is not grouped and the toons tag the mob first?)

    70 pet could most likely do a fair amount of damage to lower level mobs in a quick fashion...

  7. #27

    Default Re: High level hunter + couple of low level toons?

    Quote Originally Posted by AndyB
    So if two toons are grouped together and a high level hunter follows behind and ONLY sends the pet in to do damage, would the toons get full XP? (Assuming the hunter is not grouped and the toons tag the mob first?)

    70 pet could most likely do a fair amount of damage to lower level mobs in a quick fashion...
    That is correct. it has to do with the fact that if a player's pet kills a mob solo the owner gets no exp. So as long as the pet kills the mob w/o help from its owner then teh lowbies should get 100% of it because the hunter cant get any of it so no % is shared for the damage. Best bet for this is find a BM hunter with a cat or similar dps pet. heck my pet can solo lvl 70mobs it would make quick work of lowbie ones lol.

  8. #28


    It does work, but with 5 men in a group (and hunter up front) it goes fast but thats about it. Pets have a speed increase but that has a long cd, your better off questing imo

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Los
    It does work, but with 5 men in a group (and hunter up front) it goes fast but thats about it. Pets have a speed increase but that has a long cd, your better off questing imo
    Don't BM Hunters get that passive outdoor speed increase talent?

  10. #30


    No, Hunter pets do not work with this. I made a newbie hunter and brought my 70 hunter down to the starter area to try this; Newb tags mobs, pet kills, 11-20exp. Newb tags and kills alone, 65+ exp. Same mob type, same lvl, no assists from the hunter itself whatsoever.

    HOWEVER! I've borrowed a friend's Warlock for my twin shamen back around lv16-17 and let them tag mobs then send VW in - it worked just fine, full exp. I'm assuming the difference is because of changes they made to pets recently where you didn't get credit for loot if yer pet did the killing(I know my druid's Treants killed stuff and I couldn't loot them); though the flaw with that possibility is they're both technically pets; one's just more permanent than the other lol

    The only other possibility is that on my hunter, I was 1 70 and 1 newbie; whereas with the twins I had a third highbie doing the killing and the shamen were partied together.

    Back on topic, I had a guildie run me through library a couple of times; got 222 rested + group exp per kill, 111ish without rested exp @ lv35. SM is quite the powerlvling playground if you can do it :P
    Not Currently Boxing
    IRC Excerpt:
    Drayth> Finish this set: Spaceturkey Lazurturkey Moonturkey Starturkey - and no, don't say Sunturkey.
    Fursphere> Moonturkey? Drayth> Look at - Fursphere> damnit...Starturkey?
    Fursphere> FUCK. - Drayth> lol... * Fursphere gets on the failboat

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