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  1. #1

    Default Multiboxing with KVM switches/wireless keyboards

    Ok umm.. i understand these sort of died around 2009/2010 but ive been searching on how it is done

    Apparently I need 2 wireless keyboards and a KVM switch? Then maybe Input Director and Mousegetpos, MouseMove,Mousecllick or AHK? Then whats next?

    I want mine to look like this

    How did it work for you oldschool peeps?(im from the isboxer ERA lol so i never had to mess with the complicated stuff like the Xiz mages did, etc)

    Now there is also a catch. I dont want to do it with WoW but with Diablo II(which DOESNT have follow commands or assist commands or macros of any sorts)

    just literally point and click. I have sandboxie as well and here is what it looks like when I load 2x Diablo II(technically they stack right ontop of each other but i moved one window on purpose to show)

    Now would it be possible to I thought... "emulate" mouse and keyboard clicks in both of those windows?

    Just reading this guide makes me shudder tho
    Last edited by isboxerscrub : 07-30-2019 at 11:44 PM

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