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  1. #1

    Wink Fury Warrior and MW Monk

    Good Morning Everyone!

    I'm coming back to WoW after a long break from having my son. I have 2 mains, My 110 Fury Warrior, and 110 MW Monk. I have put them on separate accounts so that I can level in the new expansion and also do mog runs and achievements with my Husbands Blood DK without needing to do everything twice!!

    I was curious on how I could get this little team to work. I've duel boxed before but never seriously... usually it was just on a RAF account and I would just run 2 of the same class and spec using Hotkeynet and once they hit 90 just leave the second toon behind. So this concept is still a little tricky to me (it could just be my baby brain). I've also applied for ISBoxer 7 day trial and will possibly put up a sub for it if I like it. Just cause I found the free Hotkeynet a little dodge at times

    Any help would be muchly appreciated <3

  2. #2
    Member JohnGabriel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Seattle Washington, USA


    MiRai has some videos up to help you.

    If you click on "show more" under the description you'll find a whole list of things to check out.

    You'll probably be going with the pro-system for your setup so look for videos about that as well.

  3. #3


    Thank you so much!! From watching his vids, I think I have an idea of what I can do!!!! Your'e a legend mate!

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