Like others i started boxing in EQ, and once you start, your hooked for life. I have boxed every MMO since, ie EQ1&2, AO, AC, DAoC ( the old school way, two PC and two keyboards/mice).

When I started WoW I only two boxed for a few months because it was hard to do it old school way at the time due to the fast pace of combat. I played solo after that until a few months into BC expansion. It was when i was leveling my first paladin in the drani starting area that I saw one toon with 4 stacked toons following him around one shotting everything. I sent the lead toon a whisper, one that I get myself a lot now, i said " WTF?" He said , its kind of hard to explain but go to and you will understand. I came here and have been 5 boxing ( and 10 at times ) since, and never looked back. I now knew how to "software box" and it changed my life forever ( not sure if in a bad or good way lol )