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  1. #1

    Default Should I switch from HKN to ISBoxer?

    Essentially I'm at a standstill. I currently use HKN and have been thinking about ISBoxer a LOT. I run a Healer and 3 DPS. I'm struggling to not be able to actually see my other characters on screen as PiP mode seems really gross for HKN, and I know ISBoxer has essentially a template to run fullscreen with multiple borderless windows below it or on the side of it so you can see your whole team. I feel ISBoxer would be more aesthetically pleasing, but I'm easily running HKN just fine (1 pc, not multiple). Also my bank account is fairly low and bills > fun (And by low I mean I have a budget of around $10 USD).

    What I really want to know is this: Aside from the multiple picture modes and addons that ISBoxer has, what other things does it bring to the table that HKN doesn't bring?

    If you could be fairly descriptive, that would be great. I want to know what advantages ISBoxer has over HKN and why so many people use it.

    What I know as of right now about the programs:
    - HKN is free
    - ISBoxer is free
    - Innerspace is not
    - Innerspace works as a launcher client to ISBoxer ( launcher for example, Serial Keys are Required)
    - ISBoxer works as a scripted program from Innerspace (WoW for example)
    - HKN requires scripting (Which I can do, but I'm not too good at even with help on forums)
    - HKN does not force a borderless mode with scripting outside of PiP Mode (Which I feel is un-pretty *Yes un-pretty... it's now a thing*)
    - ISBoxer can force macros over the 255 character limit without extra addons
    - ISBoxer has almost 24/7 live support where HKN does not
    - ISBoxer has the ability to track and duplicate mouse movement
    - Both ISBoxer and HKN can duplicate mouse clicks

    I have not downloaded the trial of ISBoxer and Innerspace. I feel that if I do that with my addictive personality, I will want to purchase the whole thing and I know my current budget cannot support that.

    Thanks for the responses in advance.

  2. #2


    I started boxing with HKN and used it for a few years, then switched to isboxer/innerspace.
    I have to say that HKN can do a lot of what isboxer does, BUT you have to know what your doing and know how to script.
    For WOW, is boxer is just great as it works straight out of the box as long as you don't change anything till you know what your doing in isboxer,

    I suggest you watch MiRia's video series for beginners

    if you really want you mind blowing the the pro version

    much easier than trying to explain :-)

  3. #3


    oh and I forgot to add... isboxer has a Bob :P
    as well as a lot of other helpful peeps :-e

  4. #4
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    The ones I use regularly:

    • Multiple overlays from different windows (create your own party health bars for pets, followers, etc.). This option has TONS of things it can apply to like minimaps, "oh shit" buttons, basically areas of another character's screen that you really want to see on the main screen, especially where there's no addon that handles it elegantly.
    • Multi-step keys (better management of when keys get pressed, how often, and for how long)
    • Macro management outside of WoW (no size limits, easier to migrate to new characters without having to cut & paste 5 things, etc.) that can be tailored to work on class, spec, etc. without needing to rewrite everything when rolling up a new group or switching characters.
    • Targeted keypresses based on class, spec, etc.
    • Accurate broadcasting of mouse cursor movement *and* clicks
    • Dynamic allocation of video overlays and keypress broadcasting, so you can turn things on or off on the fly without having to edit a text file and restart everything.
    • Dynamic toggling of things like IWT

    I'm sure there are more that I don't think about all the time. Some other apps provide some similar features but in my limited experience with other stuff, only ISBoxer has production-quality support for these features.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  5. #5


    Just like to say (rather than repeat what others have said)....
    • The WoW macro limit (via lua) is 1024 characters. ISBoxer can create macros up to that limit.
    • You can get Inner Space for free, although it might will cost you time, (the referral system works out quite lucrative - some ppl have enough referrals to get free time for the next 10 years).
    • You can do stuff like this
    • Continuous improvements - you can have your HOT feature added (provided Lax thinks its HOT too)!
    • Bob goes to sleep sometimes (and on the odd occasion - work), but that's why there is a MiRai and Lax, and Svpernova. There is also a Valerian, but don't mind him, he's the stupidity monitor. There are also lots of other helpful people too when they're around. Although, sometimes, every mf in the chatroom is asleep at the same time... Bastards.

  6. #6
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mbox_bob View Post
    • The WoW macro limit (via lua) is 1024 characters. ISBoxer can create macros up to that limit.
    That's a fair point. I don't normally pay that much attention to the resulting macros; my ISBoxer macros are YUGE but due to the "!if in HunterBM" thing, it trims those down small enough that I've never seen one exceed the size limit in WoW.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  7. #7
    Member Crum1515's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mbox_bob View Post
    although, sometimes, every mf in the chatroom is asleep at the same time... Bastards.
    in the same bed!
    Check out my live stream @ and my website @

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by XINTERP View Post
    Should I switch from HKN to ISBoxer?
    Yes. =)

  9. #9


    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
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