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    Default Multiboxing blue post

    so not sure how many read the forums i got this linked from a friend i find the blue posts very interesting. on why they still allow us to play likr this and how they look at the TOS.

    here some interesting stuff

    The difference is often how it functions. Imagine you had a wireless keyboard, that you hooked up to multiple computers. Every movement you made and key you pressed would be relayed to multiple computers and thus multiple characters. The programs available often just make that task a bit easier and not require multiple systems, depending on how beefy your system is. Not a lot of systems can manage to run multiple clients.

    Pressing 1 key and taking 5 actions on a single character/client is different as it allows a functionality that is not intended within the game.

    Q: I don't have a problem with boxers, heck I even use a trial account in addition to my main for some things, but it's only permitted because it makes Blizz more in subs. A literal reading of the TOU prohibits it.

    A:That is entirely untrue and always has been. One could argue that the frustration that a single multiboxer can cause actually costs subs, since a player who is frustrated that their character was killed by a single person (5 characters, but single real world person), may leave because of it.
    The fact of the matter is that there is nothing in our policies that would prohibit such actions. You are allowed to have multiple World of Warcraft licenses as well as accounts. If that was prohibited that would also restrict minors from being able to play the game along with their parents as the account needs to be registered to the parent or legal guardian of a minor that is under 13. So if they allowed their child to play they would be restricted from doing so, if such policies did not otherwise allow for it.
    Q:Automation(n): : automatically controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system by mechanical or electronic devices that take the place of human labor
    By key cloning or otherwise splitting the signal, even with hardware, you have removed the manual labor requirement of hitting 5 separate keys. You have automated the process on 4 out of 5 machines.

    A:By that definition a macro, available in-game, could be considered automation. A macro will often do more than one thing, but no more than the system allows. Additionally, a keycloning program can do the same thing as if you were to attach a single keyboard to multiple computers. Which could not be considered automation anymore than if one keyboard were to control a single character. Otherwise no one would be able to play at all.

    Automation in this case is to operate a single or multiple characters without direct input.

    Q:They do not have to support something to permit it.

    A: No, but we do not have to specifically state something as permitted in the Terms of Use for it to be allowed. Otherwise the Terms of Use would contain a great deal more to cover just about every eventuality.

    i.e. You may eat a sandwich while playing World of Warcraft, though one hand must be on your keyboard at all times unless you specifically say that you are away from your keyboard before you do.

    Silly, I know, but that is the point. It is near impossible to provide a list of all allowed behavior. The rules cover the basics of what you can do and much of what you should not and that is it.

    As noted, we have a clause stating that we may close an account for any reason we choose. We do not need to be vague just in case we change our minds. Our stance on multiboxing has existed since the very beginning and I can say with a great deal of certainty that if we ever decided to prohibit that particular play style that we would announce it and provide a grace period before the policy went into effect.
    Last edited by ebony : 07-20-2015 at 11:00 PM

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