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Hybrid View

  1. #1

    Default Ok So yea.. That happened

    So here is a link to a one of three videos.

    We are just spamming instances with the good ole RAF link, tank and heals are being oneBox'd while the focused and speedy dps is held down by Boogieman on the triple hunters.

    These videos are not edited or anything, basically hit record while we where doing our thing. It is like a total of an hour and some change of just wild pointless banter, cutting up and having fun with the game Wow.
    Try not to take anything toooo seriously as it is all in good fun.

    Hoping to get a handle on the editing in the near future, aka HOPING sooner rather than later, but who knows. Life has this incredible power to GET IN THE way of what we like to deem/consider fun. *shrug


  2. #2
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Ah, good old fun-runs. Also, hunters FTW.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  3. #3
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Winter Is Coming


    I'll be honest, it's difficult/uninteresting to watch from the point of view of the non-boxer. I just feel like I'm watching someone play solo through low-level dungeons, and for me, it's much more interesting to watch from the multiboxer's perspective.

    Either way, it shows that you don't have to run all five characters if you don't want to, and you can even help out friends/guildies with their RaF (as well as benefiting from it, as well).
    Do not send me a PM if what you want to talk about isn't absolutely private.
    Ask your questions on the forum where others can also benefit from the information.

    Author of the almost unknown and heavily neglected blog: Multiboxology

  4. #4


    Yea, it was just a spur of the moment lets all raf together thing. Hit record and did the dance.
    Only boxer was boogie on the tards for the dps, but we where kinda trying for SPEED 15-85. With the druids I didn't work as well as we wanted or hoped. Combination of squishiness and healing thru-put.
    However in the next run we did with a war tank and sham heals it was around the 7.5-8.2 hour grind from 16-85 Raf link of course.
    It was really fun to have a continuous trail of mobs chasing the tank as that focused power downed them. Running this chaotic and fast in a regular LFD pug is often not an option as pugs will either afk, not dps correctly, use some sort of taunt themselves or complain that the pace is to fancy for their taste.

    Just friends having fun @wow as stated before no real point to the video we felt they where humorous but we may be bias. :P

    Ty for the views and or attempted views.

  5. #5


    From the perspective of the multiboxer.
    This is the same group of us but from my view point
    This is lvl 19-20 in RFC
    More to come (I have been trying to upload to youtube for a couple days but it always seems to hang up in the middle of a 2 hr upload GRRRR)

  6. #6


    Youtube is like OMG so much fun can not process! haha

  7. #7


    Here is a link to a playlist I started from these runs
    I'll be adding more as I Upload them

  8. #8


    Nice work Boogie!
    There you go SPOILING me and Dushah, we get stuck with pug DPS and the frustration creeps in like HULK on steroids!

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