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  1. #1

    Default any ideas or advice to trying to multibox all the garrison maintenance?

    I'm really learning to hate the garrison because I've been trying to have all my characters completely keep up with their garrisons.
    So it ends up taking up to 2 hours just run everyone through all the basics
    work orders - pre-100 that means herbs/mines/1-2 professions/maybe barn/maybe lumber missl
    missions with up to 20 followers to juggle.

    So far the only short cuts I have found include

    garrison hearthing from the end of the mine


    /target shadow
    <interact with target>
    /target bron
    <interact with target>

    this last sequence, has worked 100% of the time in the level 2 garrison to get from the missing table to outside

    But after that I can't find enough fixed NPC's to use as waypoints
    At least ones that don't have player catchers between them and other fixed NPCs

  2. #2


    I found a couple of addons that help save time selecting followers for missions and completions
    Master Plan and Garrison Mission Manager.
    ..... s l o w l y getting there

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Ñightsham View Post
    I found a couple of addons that help save time selecting followers for missions and completions
    Master Plan and Garrison Mission Manager.
    Got to say awesome addon, downloaded and shaved off about 75% of time spent tasking out missions, not only within the box but also solo play as well.

    Thanks for the point in the direction


  4. #4


    Mine? Herb garden? I've never even thought about messing with those. Interacting with the NPCs is an interesting idea but I've never tried it. What works best for me to get around the garrison is to turn key broadcasting on and once you use your garrison hearthstone NEVER hit a turn (left or right) key. Just use backwards, forwards, and strafe keys to move all ten (or five) guys wherever you want to go.

    My typical start to the day is to collect mission rewards on all my guys, then strafe/back/forward to the garrison resources, then to the mill to pick up follower gear and maybe start new work orders there, then strafe/back/forward to the salvage yard and take care of all the salvage. Only after that is all done do I move toons individually to set up profession work orders, but that's pretty quick b/c those are mere yards away from the salvage yard. Then I garrison hearth back, see what missions are available, upgrade followers as necessary, and send followers on missions.

    At any rate, key broadcasting has worked extremely well for me. If one toon gets stuck on a doorway or something, it is a quick fix to manually move him back to the same spot my other nine guys are (without turning him) then go back to broadcasting again.
    10-boxing Alliance Sargeras and Kil'jaeden

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