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  1. #1

    Default Do Shaman's get better at 100?

    So I bit the bullet, renewed by Innerspace Subscription, upgraded my other four accounts to WoD. I have a Hunter I've solo'd to 100 and I honestly loved it. Felt very refreshing and really fun. Does huge damage and overall just loved the BM Playstyle.

    Starting leveling my Protection Paladin and 4x Elemental Shamans. The Paladin is great, lots of different tools and great fun. The shamans... well they are just meh. And their damage on all their abilities just seems REALLY low.

    I just fixed up Healing Rain and Earthquake so they all cast on the same spot - and they both are just lackluster as a set of four, let alone each on their own. I realize I'm only 90, and these characters have max professions, and a lot of playtime invested.
    My end goal is to PvE, clear heroics eventually, max professions and then play the AH with the combined power of 5 accounts & Garrisons in co-ordination.

    Any suggestions/advice? Should I keep going and push through, do Shamans get more powerful and feel less like a wet noodle? What other combinations have anything close to the synergy Shamans used to have with each other?

  2. #2


    from what I have read shamans ended up being grossly underpowered and should expect a buff soon.
    EVE Online Get Ships. Train Skills.

  3. #3


    even in lowlevel they are weak.

    I've ran around the dwarfen start zone with my priest DOT'ting everything up (with the only DOT I have)
    and watching it die painfully. With my Shaman I need 2-3 lightning bolts for one target .. meh
    | Keyclone + AHK | Alliance | EU | PvE |

  4. #4
    U JELLY?! Toned's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Salt Lake City, Utah


    Shamans are my bread and butter so I always level them first. I level'd a prot paladin to 100 solo first, but after playing my warrior. I am liking warrior tanking more in WOD than Paladin.
    I haven't had any issues doing dungeons with my war + 4 shams (Haven't hit heroics yet).

    After shamans I will be leveling my Priest + 4 DK group.

    Everything from the WoW Forums is pointing towards a shaman buff.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Toned View Post
    I haven't had any issues doing dungeons with my war + 4 shams (Haven't hit heroics yet).

    sorry for minor hijack, quick Q:
    have you done everbloom normal? thats the only one i cant do and cant think how to do..last boss!

  6. #6
    U JELLY?! Toned's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Salt Lake City, Utah


    Haven't tried Everbloom yet

  7. #7


    Eles have had a few buffs and are getting better. I did MC last night with my main ele sham ( Item lvl617 ) and was doing 14K .. no enchants..gear stats far from optimal. I was number 4 dps on Rag. So we are getting better.
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

  8. #8


    Thanks for the responses. I'm investigating Rets and Monks at the moment, but I think I'll level the Shamans too, if anything just for the Garrison and Professions.

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