Hey guys,

After taking a brake from gaming for 2 years or so, I am interested with the latest release of D3. I also want to try out multiboxing. I've read through many of the threads on here, but I still have some general questions if you don't mind me asking.

1 - It is easier to multibox using the same class vs different classes. The down side is that there won't be much in class synergies! I do enjoy tinkering and playing around with class synergy, but I understand that it could be more difficult with regards to keybind and sending command to different classes. Is it that much more difficult multiboxing with multiple classes? When it comes to sending command, how much more complicated is it to control different classes? Is it that big of a HASSLE? One advantage of doing multiple classes, is that eventually I can go play those class by themselves in single player mode. So that's one huge plus imo.

2 - Reading through some of the thread, it seem that even with class synergies, people are recommending just brute force with one class. Is this true?

3 - If I were to multibox with one class, what class do you recommend, and why? Most threads recommend class that can AOE and Range, so pretty much DH. I've seen recommendation for WD, but with so many pets on screen, people are saying that this will lag out ur computer drastically.

4 - Any other links or advices that you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.