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  1. #1

    Default Addons that spoil the game

    What addons in your opinion make the game too trivial or detract from you being fully absorbed into the game world.

    For me the bigest one was rangedisplay. It places a number on the screen showing you how far away a mob was from you. So i would run towards a mob till the range read 25. i would hit back on my ranged toons. and spam dps till the mobs where dead. It was a cant live without addon but in the end i think it made things over tedious.

    Most addons that have non wow sounds in them detract from the overall experience too. The addon "GTFO" makes a sound when your sitting in fire. "SmartError" makes a sound when your facing the wrong way in combat. (had a very annoying sound). The addon i mentioned earlier "RangeDisplay" also could be configured to ding once you reached a designated distance from target.

    MiRai has said in the past that he doesnt use Jamba.

    Katovar has said that she doesnt use Jambastrobe.

    comments? questions? concerns?
    Last edited by JackBurton : 03-24-2014 at 11:28 PM
    Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol' storm right square in the eye and he says, "Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it"

  2. #2


    I do use Jamba Strobe. I advise new users not to use it during combat because more often than not it complicates things, especially when someone doesn't have any experience with it. I personally use it for mounted travel and in certain fights that are movement heavy or easier when kiting {Jousting in TotC, Ick and Krick}.

    Addons are a pretty subjective thing. People can't live without DPS meters, I can't stand them. I can't live without Pitbull, other people would sooner die than use it. You find the non-wow noises of those addons distracting, other people consider them a godsend so they can move their slaves or react to procs without having to guess which toon or track down the right visual clue.

    People can even find the same mod a little of both. Taking Jamba as an example - I use a lot of Jamba, then there's parts I just don't have any use for. I like the Jamba Quest Log, but don't use Jamba Quest Tracker, preferring the customization of tomQuest2 instead. Or smaller mods like MSBT. Some people love to see a stream of numbers and crits and who's proccing what in their scrolling combat text, I find that excessively busy. I have my MSBT configured to be more for alerts like when my shields are dropping and quest status notifications.
    Blog : Herding Khats
    Team : Kina - Çroaker - Messkit - Lìfetaker - Wìdowmaker
    Newbie Guides : Multiboxing Vol. 1 - Multiboxing Vol. 2 - HotKeyNet - Jamba
    The Almighty Lax made a liar out of me, apparently I DO get prizes for it.
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  3. #3
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Only add-on I ever saw that "spoiled" the game was that one that told you where to stand in raid fights.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  4. #4


    I have my main's windows extended to another monitor that lacks the view port (blackened), so the tactical stuff is on that screen. I have a quartz (just a single line like mos swing timers), sexymap, opie + babs bars, tidyplates, a diy hud from broker stuff and weak auras. So I am looking at very little besides the game world, everything that is in the game is mostly muscle memory. Moving the unitframes off the main screen really is nice.

    Only thing that is a gotcha is click healing boxing, but i just have a fx vuhdo for that that isn't displayed all the time.

    Most of my time has been spent in getting addon to look at other addons or broker values and fire off weakauras alerts to look at different addons.

    I really want to make a new combat text like ui element that is just a soft radar graph (core spells being the axis) of your dps. A "strong" well above average shield slam crit that arcs a glowing line away from average to be would look better than blaugh blaugh blaugh fountain of numbers. Even a muted vertical bar ui that was like a 'strong man' high striker where the spell was great, good, bad, fail/miss might be cute.

    fwiw, I am really enjoying babs: nice style there.

  5. #5


    Zygor. I don't even read the quests now. Click the quest giver and a big ass arrow shows up telling you where to go.

  6. #6
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Quote Originally Posted by Damons View Post
    Zygor. I don't even read the quests now. Click the quest giver and a big ass arrow shows up telling you where to go.
    That doesn't make the game too trivial. It does detract from absorption but I'd suggest that if you use that and then complain about it ruining the game's absorption factor for you, then YOU are the problem. That's like saying a murder mystery didn't have a thrilling enough storyline because you skipped ahead and read the last chapter first.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  7. #7


    Wouldn't call it a complaint. Kind of automates the old process of looking up a quest in thottbot or wowhead. Which I'm sure no one ever did right? Wink.

  8. #8


    Any kind of boss mods and (not really an addon) the dungeon journal.
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