After being a bit burned out on wow, I decided to check out D3. I had a great time playing it solo and in a few multiplayer groups (4 players max per game). I level capped my Witchdoctor to 60 in about a week.

Once you're level capped, you basically grind for gear to increase your players survivability or DPS so you can take on the hardest things in the game - which happen to be in Inferno mode, act 3 and 4 (I think I heard about 2% of the players got to this level so far). So first you beat the game on normal mode, then nightmare, then hell mode, then you finally unlock inferno mod. There's also a fun "pony" level that you unlock that has some of the hardest mobs in the game as well.

One thing about D3 is that it's just totally random, from the drops to the mobs you fight (aside from certain "boss" battles). You run across these elite packs that have random special abilities on your way through the game. For instance, you might run across a pack of plagued, teleporting, mortar, reflect damage elites. To get the best odds at getting the best gear in the game, you'll need to kill these elite packs, and on the hardest levels. Some of them are just pretty much close to impossible to beat, so you might need exit the level and restart it.

When you finish off an elite pack, you get a buff (this assumes you have a level 60 character). It stacks up to 5 times, 1 per elite pack killed and lasts for 30 minutes, and refreshes on the next elite pack you kill. When you have 5 stacks, you have the best odds of getting the "rare" drops. Again, it's totally random, so you could kill a normal white monster and it could drop an incredible item. But the elite packs are guaranteed to drop a blue, and in some instances yellows - which typically can be the best items in the game. But again, it's totally random, so you might get a yellow item that's total garbage. It's very, VERY rare to get a yellow item that is rolled "perfectly", with all the right stats. These can sell for 50 million gold, or $250 on the D3 real money auction house.

There are typically dozens of these elite packs before boss encounters. Most you can avoid. The hardest levels have a chance to drop the top gear, which is like the wow item level. So Inferno Act 1 may only drop ilevel 60 gear or below, act 2 will drop 61 or below and act 3 can drop 62 or 63 gear or below.

New gear can be purchased on the D3 auction house for gold, and they also introduced the "Real Money" AH. So you can list a item you find for $50 or $100 if you want. The cheapest is $1 and the most you can list for is $250 I believe.

D3 muiltiboxes pretty well. I was able to get to 60 on 3 other characters at the same time in a couple days, using my level 60 to power level the others. It's not Wow, but it's pretty easy to play. There's no follow or macros, but the controls are pretty simple, and it's easy to keep your group together and attacking the same stuff without micromanaging the other windows.

With the auction house (It's like wow's AH but 1000x bigger), the constant gear upgrades and searching for the best gear, re-specing your characters, there's actually a ton of stuff to do in the game, it's a lot of fun.

You don't need to buy a subscription, you just need to buy copies of the game and you're good to go.

Anyway, I was going to post some info about my characters and setup later.