
i came to this site and liked the idea to play with several chars at the same time No need more to look for people for quests or instances.

So i decided to setup a 5-Boxing-System up using Keyclone (runs very good at a AMD 3500+ with 2GB and 7800GTX OC, can't wait till next week for my Q6600 and 8800GTX ).

My Horde-Group-Setup contains a Warrior (will be Deff-spect), a Priest (Holy spect), a Mage, a Warlok and finaly a Shamane (Elementar spect).

So i setup the Macros, using Focus for the leader and /assist /target ... i have now 6 hours playtime and all chars are at level 7, which seems realy slow. I know, that 2-2 1/2 hours took the configuration, macros writing and need of some time to get done with the keyboard settings

But what will the best way to get fast to 70? Grinding looks bad for me, Questing solo is allways better (Alliance Twinks are at 45 in about 3 days playtime, 10 in 2 - 2 1/2 hours). Because i'm not to familiar with the horde quests i use wow-pro.com and Joanas Guide (alliance site i used Brian Kopps Guide). Would you suggest to get in as much of instance when able with Level 15?